What is a Cover Letter? Definition, Types and Functions!

Correspondence has begun to be abandoned as a medium for personal communication because it has begun to be replaced by sophisticated technology in today’s modern era.

By using  smartphones , everyone can now communicate very quickly and easily, especially with the increasing number of social media nowadays, it is certain that letters will become part of history. However, in an agency or company, communicating by letter is still very much needed today.

The reason is because letters are considered the most relevant and also letters can be seen physically. Apart from that, letters can be used as archives or evidence. Moreover, if the letter contains something valuable, then this letter will be kept in a neat archive. One of the securities that is still used today is the cover letter.

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This cover letter is needed to complete certain tasks, are you still confused about the cover letter? If you still don’t know for sure about the cover letter, then you can see a more complete explanation in this article, 

Definition of Cover Letter

A cover letter is a letter that is written officially and is very important in relations between agencies. This letter itself contains information that the person who brought this letter has been given a certain task and approved by the party responsible for the contents of the letter. That way, there will be no misunderstandings from the intended party about the purpose of the letter carrier’s arrival.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a cover letter is a letter that is sent or included with goods and so on.

Example of a Cover Letter

If you need an example of writing a cover letter, you can see the following cover letter example:

Example of Cover Letter: Creation of SKCK

In the world of work, if you want to register or apply for a job at a company or agency, a police record certificate or SKCK is usually included in the registration requirements as an attachment, namely a complete job application file. Before making an SKCK at the police station, there are several administrative requirements that must be met first, below is a cover letter for making an SKCK:


The undersigned below:

Head of RT.007 RW.17 Dsn Gunung Kidul, Kranggan Village, Sampurna District, Kab. Surakarta, then explained that:

Name: Putri Bintang
Place/Date of Birth: Surakarta, 22 December 1999
Gender: Female
Religion: Islam
Address: Gunung Kidul Village, Kranggan Village, Sampurna District, Yogyakarta

Is a resident who lives in 10 Dsn Gunung Kidul, Kranggan Village, Sampurna District and intends to apply for a police record certificate (SKCK). Thus, I created this cover letter so that it can be used according to its needs.

Surakarta 07 January 2022
Head of RT 007/17 Dsn Gunung Kidul
Agung Jatmiko S.

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Example of Cover Letter: RT

If you want to take care of making a new identity card or KTP, it is not easy to take care of making the KTP directly to the sub-district office or Disduk Capil office (Population and Civil Registry Service) without a cover letter, with the employees there it is likely that you will not be served If when processing your KTP the files you bring are incomplete.

Below is an example of a cover letter that can be used in making a cover letter for processing an KTP.

Lampung Provincial Government,
Neighborhood Association Management 08/20,
Teluk Betung Selatan Village, Tangerang District,
Jakarta Administrative City

Introductory Certificate
Number: 897/SKD/IIX/2020

The undersigned is the Head of RT 14/08 Teluk Betung Selatan Village, Tangerang District, Jakarta Administrative City, explaining that:

Name: Abdul Rahman
Place, Date of Birth: Bandar Lampung, 08 July 1999
Gender: Male
Occupation: Civil servant
Religion: Islam
Marital Status: Married
Citizenship: Indonesian
Address: Jalan Ikan Kakap Teluk Betung Selatan RT 14/08

It is true that this person was then a resident of Teluk Betung Selatan Village, Tangerang District, Jakarta Administrative City. This introductory certificate was made to complete the requirements for making a Resident Identity Card (KTP). Thus, we have made this certificate so that it can then be used properly.

Bandar Lampung, March 14 2022
Head of RT 14/08 (Signature + Rp. 6,000 stamp)
Amar Sholihin

Example of a Cover Letter from a Company

Raja Lele Jaya
Jl. Gotong Royong No 55, Depok- West Java
Tel: 0821-6500-9090
email: admin@Raja.lelejaya_abadibuat.Com

Cover Letter Number: C.77/91/RMM/IX/2017

In connection with the implementation of employee performance evaluation activities which will be held every four months, we will then prepare team members for evaluation activities. Below is a list of names who will take part in the evaluation activities:

Name: Anggoro Rudi
Position: Main Director
Name: Anggun Arisa
Position: Head of HRD
Name: Akmal Nurdin
Position: Deputy Main Director

We hope that all relevant parties will then prepare themselves for the smooth running of this evaluation activity. This is our introductory letter. We thank you for your attention and cooperation, Mr. and Mrs.

Depok, 18 June 2022
Main Director of PT. King of Lele Jaya Raya
Anggoro Ahmad

Function of Cover Letter

A cover letter that will be made or has been made has a very important function, namely that it has the aim of providing information to the person who has brought the letter from the approved party. The following is the function of a cover letter.

  1. As a form of politeness and a form of order in the administration of relations between agencies.
  2. A proof that a letter carrier is then a trusted person and is an official messenger from the relevant agency.
  3. A formal explanation of the aims and objectives of the person or goods being delivered.
  4. Requirements for obtaining an official letter include (for example, a cover letter from the RT/RW for the need to make a SKCK, marriage permit, etc.).
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Types of Cover Letters

After discussing the meaning of a cover letter, the function of a cover letter, and examples of cover letters, the next discussion is types of cover letters. Do you know the types of cover letters? The following are several types of cover letters:

1. Proposal Cover Letter

Some proposals will generally be sent to official agencies, such as investment offer proposals, funding request proposals, as well as activity proposals. In this cover letter, the body of the letter contains information about an activity that will be carried out, for example the offer being offered, and how to participate.

2. Letter of Introduction to Goods, Files and Official Documents

This letter of introduction for goods, files and official documents will then explain the contents of the goods or files that will be sent. Therefore, you can then provide information regarding the identity of the delivery person so that he can be trusted.

3. Cover Letter for Document Creation

Usually, this letter will then be given by the head of the RT/RW informing about a resident with an identity that has been recorded in the body of the letter which really states that he is a local resident. Several official letters then require this cover letter, such as SKCK, marriage certificate, and KTP.

Structure and How to Write a Cover Letter

Cover letter


This structure itself is a stage in creating a cover letter starting from the initial stages of writing to the conclusion of the cover letter, here are some of them:


The function of a letterhead is to show that the contents of the letter were sent officially from an agency. This section also serves as an identity for the sender which contains the logo, name, address and contacts who can then be contacted. Letterhead is generally placed at the very top or beginning of the letter. Below is an example of correct writing.

Sumber Kencana Makmur Group Jl. East Panjaitan No. 13, Depok Tel. 085776543890; Email: Andiwipat@mail.com


Under the letterhead there is a letterhead section which contains several elements including:

  1. Place and date: shows when and where the letter was written
  2. Letter number: on official or agency letters there is usually also a letter numbering, the purpose of which is to make archiving easier
  3. Attachment: aims to state the name and number of other draft documents which will then be sent with a covering letter
  4. Subject: contains the purpose or contents of the letter briefly and clearly
  5. The name and address of the recipient of the letter which then contains the name of the person or agency specified. The following is the writing of the letterhead in an example of a cover letter in a file. Lampung, 21 December 2019 Number: 28/SUP/XI/2019 Attachment: 1 bundle of report files
  6. Subject: Dear delivery report file introduction. Chairman of PT Sentosa Makmur Jl. Karimun Jawa No. 88, Bandung

Body or Body of the Letter

This section then forms the core of the letter which explains in detail the information that is to be conveyed from the contents of the letter. Below is an example of writing.

Yours faithfully,

In accordance with the agreed agreement, we as operators then sent the goods to your factory and were received by the warehouse staff. Together with this cover letter, we submit files regarding the details of sending the goods on January 17, 2022.


The closing content is a closing greeting which is accompanied by a signature and the full name of the sender of the letter. Below is an example of a cover letter with the closing section of the letter. Thus we can convey this introductory letter. We thank you very much for your attention to your cooperation. Sincerely, Agung Tirta, Marketing Manager.

That’s the discussion about cover letters, starting from the meaning, structure, to examples. From all the discussion above, it can be said that a cover letter is really needed by several companies or individuals who want to write an official letter. Hopefully all the discussion above can be useful and broaden your insight.