What is a Democratic Leadership Style? Definition and Characteristics

Mudabicara.com_ Leadership is a determining factor for the success of an organization, company and even government. No wonder, if every organization, company and even government held leadership training for its members.

In addition to training on how to manage an organization, leadership also influences a person’s attitude and perspective in solving problems.

But did you know that there are many kinds of leadership styles and styles. One of the popular leadership styles is the democratic leadership style.

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Now! This time, mudabicara wants to review an article about democratic leadership styles. Curious, let’s read more about the following article:

Definition of Democratic Leadership Style

The democratic leadership style is a leadership style that is almost the same as a democratic political system. Where the leadership style that gives flexibility to its members and subordinates.

The democratic model of leadership provides space for all members to actively participate in the formulation and making of policies.

A leader in a democratic leadership model is tasked with distributing information about the functions, roles and responsibilities of members.

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Usually people who adopt a democratic leadership style have the ability to influence members to be invited to work together to achieve common goals and ideals.

In a democratic leadership system, the hierarchical system is not very prominent because the leader and subordinates are a unit that needs each other.

Power is as much equal as possible and no party is more dominant in the policy-making process. All members have equal rights and have an equally important position.

Members are given the freedom to express their ideas and ideas in policy formulation and problem solving.

On the other hand, the leader’s task is only as a guide and strategy maker so that all opinions can be accommodated in one policy and accepted by all members.

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Even though the final decision is in the hands of a leader based on a majority vote because indeed the concept of leader legitimacy in a democracy is a mutual agreement based on a majority vote.

The democratic leadership style has various other names such as democratic management style, participatory decision making, open-book management, participatory leadership and shared leadership.

Advantages of Democratic Leadership Style

Democratic Leadership

Several studies reveal that the democratic leadership style is the most effective leadership style in producing a solid and professional team.

With the openness between members, it is possible for this leadership style to have many broad perspectives in making policies and solving problems.

In addition, democratic leadership style can increase contributions both individually and in groups and can increase work productivity.

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Democratic means giving space for people to have an opinion and at the same time accommodating different opinions. At some point the leader will put the opinions of the members in the same place.

This sense of ownership of institutions and organizations will later encourage members to commit and contribute as well as possible.

In addition, in the process of leadership this model is open to criticizing each other. A leader can judge his members and vice versa, subordinates can criticize the leader.

Disadvantages of Democratic Leadership Style

Although effective in increasing work productivity, this leadership style also has several drawbacks. One drawback is the slowness of decision making.

With the exchange of opinions, ideas and ideas between members, a lot of time is wasted due to discussions in policy formulation.

It will be more complicated if the members have a communication style that is not good so that many members justify each other what their respective opinions are.

Not infrequently even become crowded even to the point of conflict. Moreover, a leader is not able to be a good guide then the ends become complicated.

The pretext of increasing productivity that occurs is that the leaders are busy accommodating different opinions so that they become a unified voice.

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Moreover, if the leader does not have the competence in providing solutions to existing problems, it becomes even more complicated and debate occurs.

This means that democratic leadership must have leaders who are competent in seeing situations when to be firm and when to give members space to express opinions.

This is due to the fact that not all members have the knowledge, ability and competence in contributing to the process of policy formulation and problem solving.

Characteristics of the Democratic Leadership Style

Reporting from Cleverism , the democratic leadership style has the following characteristics:

1. Encouraging Members to Think Critically

A leader provides the widest opportunity for all members to provide the best thoughts, ideas and ideas. Although in the end the final decision is in the hands of a leader.

2. Practicing Member Awareness

One way to train members’ awareness is to involve them in the policy formulation process. As a result, members have a concern for the organization or company because they feel directly involved.

3. Mutual Cooperation Between Members

In this leadership style there will be cooperation between members in the decision-making process. They are allowed to collide with arguments and ideas for the common good and purpose.

Members are not justified when making decisions unilaterally by acting alone.

4. Leaders Have Open Thinking

A leader has an open mind by asking for criticism and suggestions from his members. Usually a democratic leader always asks about the progress of the task.

On the other hand, the leader gives confidence to members to be creative and innovate, which is important, tasks and responsibilities are completed properly.

The important point of a democratic leadership style is that there is cooperation between members in order to achieve common goals quickly and precisely.

5. There is Innovation and Creativity

The breadth of opportunities in providing ideas and opinions makes the democratic leadership style a flood of innovation and creativity.

Usually the members are motivated to give a good performance in order to achieve the target. And of course all these things can be achieved only through innovation and creativity.

6. There is Inter-Member Involvement

In democratic leadership the members will be involved in decision making and problem solving. This means that there is an exchange of ideas between the leader and his subordinates.

7. Respect and Trust towards Members

A democratic leader is a leader who gives respect and trusts his members in carrying out their duties.

8. Accept Differences

In the leadership process that gives space for members to provide opinions and ideas, of course, they must be prepared for differences.

This means that the key word in democratic leadership style is that differences are natural, it’s just a matter of how to mix those differences as policies that have a togetherness nature.

9. Established Good Communication

In democratic leadership, members usually have good communication skills because there is a reciprocal narrative. Leaders can judge and criticize subordinates, and vice versa a member can criticize and give input to a leader.

10. Keeping Commitments

All members are required to maintain a joint commitment after the decision has been issued by the leadership. They must respect each other even though they used to have different opinions.

Commitment is a form of mutual respect for ideas and ideas as well as decisions from the results of deliberation.

Now! So many explanations about the democratic leadership style this time

If you want to be a leader who is liked by members and subordinates, of course you must continue to improve your abilities both personally and professionally.

Don’t forget to continue to develop and hone your respective skills. Remember leadership, remember young community , Mudabicara ! please join.