What is a General Affair? Definition, Duties, Functions, Salary and Career Path

In a company, there are certainly various positions, where each position has its own duties and roles. That way, the company can continue to develop and be able to compete with competitors.

One of the positions in the company is  General Affairs . However, not everyone knows what is meant by the  General Affair position . So, what is meant by a general affair? Read the full review, Mudalovers.

Understanding General Affair

Every company certainly has a clear and detailed organizational structure. The organizational structure includes various levels of positions from superiors to workers. Each level of position in the company also has its own functions and duties in carrying out each operational activity it has.

One of the positions in a company organization that has important duties and functions is  General Affairs .

General Affairs  is a position that plays an important role in company management. In this case, General Affairs or GA is usually responsible for taking care of various matters related to the company’s operational activities.

To understand what is meant by  General Affair  in a company, you can start by understanding it first. As previously explained,  General  Affairs  is a position in a company that is under the general division or head of operations.

Apart from that,  General Affairs  or GA usually takes care of various matters related to the company’s operational activities.

General Affairs  (GA) is a position in a company which is generally under the head of the general division or head of operations. All company affairs must have clarity regarding goals, prospects and future plans. This clarity must be proven by planning documents and their implementation.

This General Affair will later take care of office operational matters, both routine and unexpected. In companies that have a simple organizational structure, GA will usually be combined with HRD, sometimes also in the purchasing department.

In this way, this position plays a very important role in ensuring that every company activity can be carried out well. It is not surprising that this GA position has clear detailed functions and duties. The details of these functions and duties must be understood well so that the contributions made can provide benefits to the company.

In a simple company organizational structure, GA positions are generally combined with  Human Resource Development  (HRD). Apart from that, GA is also usually placed in the purchasing division.

In these sections, GA also takes care of many things related to the procurement of goods and services, purchasing activities, and maintenance of assets owned by the company.

If you are someone who has just received this position, you need to pay attention to the following information. You can begin to understand what is meant by the General Affairs position, how the duties are carried out, and the functions played within the company.

General Affair Role

General affairs plays a very complicated role, duties and responsibilities. For this reason, good and appropriate management is needed to manage it so that problems do not arise when dealing with other work units.

General Affairs  or the general division of a company is very influential in providing supplies of office equipment such as stationery, cleaning equipment and various other office equipment. Meanwhile, the service provided by the general division is taking care of all office household supplies with the aim of increasing employee productivity, so that it can influence customers to be better and more optimal.

If customers feel satisfied and comfortable with the services provided by  General Affair , then the company can benefit from the results of the work carried out by  General  Affair  , both in terms of profits and the spread of information by word of mouth.

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General Affairs Duties

After understanding the general meaning, next you need to know what duties a  General Affairs person carries out  in the company.

In this case, the duties of  General Affairs  are all matters relating to the company’s operational activities. Starting from procurement of goods and services, purchasing activities, to maintaining company assets.

As previously explained, GA is tasked with taking care of all routine and sudden needs within the company. GA actually focuses more on providing services to all parts of the company for the smooth running of the company as a whole through  supporting units .

GA has several service focuses, namely assets and purchasing which includes  maintenance  and ordering through trusted vendors. The following are the duties of  General Affairs  within the company:

1. Responsible for Procurement of Goods

Goods or assets in a company sometimes have their own usage limits. General Affair’s first task is to take care of the procurement of goods. For example, goods or assets are damaged or are old and have decreased performance. In this case, GA will confirm which company goods or assets need to be updated.

For example, a printer or  Personal Computer (PC). Replacing or purchasing these goods is GA’s task in terms of procuring goods. In procuring goods, a GA does not just buy, but rather compares prices before making a purchase. Goods procurement activities must be carried out with clear objectives.

The goal is that the company’s procurement of goods can still reduce asset expenditure costs. The lower the costs for procuring goods, the better the performance of the GA division in the company can be.

2. General Affair Responsible for Routine Payments and Purchases

Apart from purchasing semi-permanent company assets, GA is also tasked with carrying out routine company purchases.

For example, purchasing drinking water, office stationery (ATK), paper, printer ink, and several other periodic items. Not only that, GA also has duties in routine payments, such as paying for electricity, water, telephone, internet network (Wi-Fi), and several other payments.

In terms of routine payments, GA can estimate funds that have been calculated correctly, because usually these payments do not differ much each month. Generally, in large companies, these routine payments are made automatically through a system that is integrated with the company system.

3. Ensure daily labor payments are in accordance with regulations

General Affair’s next task   is to control labor payments. In this case, GA has the authority to determine the amount of daily labor wages outside of employee salaries.

This is because salaries for casual daily employees are included in the office’s monthly needs which need to be paid and recorded in the books. Casual daily workers in the company are GA’s responsibility.

So, GA has the authority to determine the amount of wages for daily freelance workers outside of the employee’s salary. This is the GA’s task because the salaries of casual employees will be included in the office’s monthly needs in its books, namely for human resource needs.

To make it easier for GA to do their work, an online pay slip application can be a solution to simplify the process of employee salary amounts.

4. General Affairs Responsible for Asset Maintenance

General Affairs duties also include maintaining the company’s assets. Not only purchasing goods, GA is also tasked with maintaining and supervising the assets they have purchased.

In this case, GA is responsible for controlling and maintaining the assets in the company. This aims to ensure that users or users of company assets do not use them carelessly.

It is normal for GA to often act ‘fierce’ when there are employees who do not look after company assets. This is because they are the ones responsible when damage occurs to company assets.

5. Renovation and Opening of Branch Offices

GA in companies is always sensitive and detailed when determining costs, this also applies when an office opens a new branch office or just carries out renovations. GA is tasked with making considerations ranging from feasibility factors to estimating appropriate funds.

Renovation and opening of branch offices are also tasks carried out by General Affairs. In this case, GA is tasked with detailing the costs required for renovation or opening of a branch office.

That way, GA needs to consider feasibility factors and estimate the funds that will be proposed to carry out these activities. In fact, when the estimated funds have been approved by GA, the reporting of renovation results and material purchases must also be proven by a note or invoice.

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General Affairs Function

After knowing the meaning and main tasks, next you need to know some of the functions carried out by  General Affair . The function of  this General Affair  is related to its main tasks.

Starting from maintenance and upkeep, making periodic reports, to establishing good relationships with suppliers. In carrying out its duties, GA also has its own function in carrying out company operations. The following are the functions of General Affairs in the company, including:

1. Maintenance and Care of Various Assets or Facilities Owned by the Company

The first function that a GA must have is maintenance and maintenance of the company’s conditions and facilities.

For example, toilet facilities, office buildings (cleanliness and external appearance), office space, adequate warehouses, maintenance of electrical installations, and all company assets and areas.

In this case, GA also assesses the condition of facilities before submitting a budget and makes priorities before submitting a budget.

For example, the need to improve toilet facilities is more important than expanding places of worship, meeting rooms or  lobbies  for receiving guests. Whatever GA prioritizes must have a positive impact on company operations.

2. Prepare Periodic Reports for Budget Meeting Needs

Another important function is preparing periodic reports for budget meetings.

The report must consist of assets and office expenses so that the company can assess the effectiveness of internal investments in the company. Like asset reports, office expense expenses are necessary in assessing the effectiveness of a company’s internal investments.

3. Assist with licensing matters for company needs

The GA division of a company can also assist in arranging all forms of permits required. Such as permits involving government agencies, police, journalists and so on. Apart from that, GA also functions to establish relationships with external parties, such as local government, police, mass organizations, journalists, and so on.

4. Foster good relationships with suppliers or those collaborating with the company

If GA is included in the HRD department, it means that he is also responsible for making work contracts, making payments, and making complaints on behalf of the company. Another function of GA is to foster good relationships with  suppliers  of goods or services. If GA in a company is combined with the HRD division, then other functions included in it are making work contracts, ensuring payments on time, and making complaints on behalf of the company if necessary.

Good relationships will indirectly have an impact on employee performance and productivity. Employee productivity will also be maintained if there are no problems regarding payroll.

Not only that, good relationships will also have a positive impact on the company’s image in the eyes of clients, this will of course affect the profits the company will receive. Those are the duties and functions of general affairs in the company that you need to know.

Basically, the main purpose and function of  General Affair  is to ensure the smooth running of company operations and support employee productivity. With this function, company operations can run optimally.

5. Conduct a Satisfaction Survey

As a department that actively serves the company internally, GA also conducts service satisfaction surveys aimed at all employees or work units. This survey is carried out in order to improve the quality of products or services, accuracy and speed of services provided.

General Affairs Must Have Skills

After knowing the duties and functions of General Affairs, next there are several skills that must be possessed by someone with the position of General Affairs (GA). Some of these skills are really needed to carry out their duties and functions well and optimally.

Some of the skills that General Affair must have are as follows:

  1. Thorough
  2. Honest
  3. Have good problem solving skills
  4. Have experience managing procurement of goods in each department
  5. Have the ability to organize, record purchases, carry out asset maintenance assessments well
  6. Have good interpersonal communication skills
  7. Can communicate well and effectively
  8. Able to manage time management well
  9. Understand lobbying and negotiation techniques well

How Much is the Salary for General Affair?

Maybe many people are asking how much salary does a general affairs person receive  ? Please note that each general affairs officer receives a different salary depending on the policies and position in a company.

However, generally, the company will pay a  general affairs salary  of 3 million to 5 million rupiah every month. This salary is the basic salary which has not been added to intensive amounts such as overtime, 13th salary and so on.

As time goes by, the salary of a general affairs officer will increase according to his work performance. This is because the success or failure of a general affair is measured by how it can solve problems and support performance in company operations.

General Affair Career Path

Working as a  general affairs officer  is considered to have a fairly clear career path because each position and position has a different income. The general affairs career path   is:

1. Staff General Affair

General affairs staff is the initial stage of a career as general affairs. The job description is only to carry out one task unit with fewer targets.

2. Supervisor General Affair

 General affairs supervisor  is the second level of  general affairs  who has more task units compared to staff.

3. Manager General Affair

The general affairs manager   is a manager who works to create work concepts and supervise the work of staff.

4. Manager General Affair

The general affairs manager   is a manager who works to create work concepts and supervise the work of staff.

5. Head of General Affair

Head of general affairs  is the highest position in  general affairs  , which is the head of a section and is tasked with coordinating work and making company reports with the leadership and with other departments.

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Main Jobdesk General Affairs

Perhaps the duties and responsibilities of general affairs have been explained previously in the discussion above. However, the following are   the most important  job desks for general affairs,  including the following:

  1. As a representative of the company to establish good relations with various external parties such as the regional government, sub-district, police, PLN, Telkom and others.
  2. General affairs  is tasked with fulfilling all internal operational needs of the company to support the smooth work of each division, such as providing stationery for employees, applying for vehicle maintenance, photocopier maintenance  , AC maintenance and so on related to the company’s internal needs.
  3. General affairs  must maintain, record and care for all assets owned by the company or rented by the company.
  4. GA is also tasked with taking care of various documents for internal company purposes such as permits.
  5. General affairs  is tasked with managing and supervising the activities of division staff such as  security, office boy, customer service  and others in terms of absences, absences, leave and so on.
  6. GA is tasked with managing warehouses and office facilities such as places of worship, toilets, meeting rooms, storage rooms, and so on.
  7. General affairs  is tasked with making budget plans for routine office needs.