Guidance and counseling is referred to as psychological support in the sense of education that is always given to someone, both in schools and other educational institutions.
Guidance and counseling usually includes activities to identify individual and group development in terms of students’ educational needs as well as psychological and physical abilities, as well as environmental factors that impact functioning in nursery schools, schools, or educational institutions, and address the identified needs.
The success of the guidance and counseling activities is expected to provide various benefits for students, one of which is to help shape good student behavior.
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Although the words guidance and counseling are almost always used together, we need to know the points of difference between the two, one of which is that guidance is preventive in nature, while counseling tends to be healing, curative or remedial.
Counseling Guidance
Guidance counseling is essentially a social process and social interaction in helping individuals discover and develop their educational, vocational and psychological potential, so that they can achieve optimal levels of personal happiness and social usefulness.
The concept of counseling is inherently democratic because the assumptions underlying its theory and practice are, first, that each individual has the right to shape his own destiny and, second, that relatively mature and experienced members of society are responsible for ensuring that each person’s choices will serve his own interests and those of society.
Implicit in the philosophy of counseling that these goals are complementary rather than contradictory.
Definition of Guidance Counseling
Counseling is a kind of advice or assistance given to individuals, especially students, regarding matters such as choosing a study program or career, employment or vocational preparation, from someone who excels in their field or is an expert.
This explanation is a process to guide, supervise, or direct someone to perform certain forms of social action.
This process also aims to make students or individuals aware of the right or wrong of their choices and the importance of their decisions that will affect their future.
That is why guidance is a service that will assist students in choosing the most appropriate major or program for them, to discover and develop their psychological and educational abilities and ambitions. Guidance results in self-development and helps one to plan for the present and the future wisely.
On the other hand, the term counseling can be interpreted as talking therapy, in which a person (client) freely discusses his problems and shares feelings with a counselor who advises or assists clients in dealing with problems.
It aims to address issues related to personal or socio-psychological problems, causing emotional pain or mental instability that makes the client feel uncomfortable.
Counseling is not just giving advice or making judgments, but helping clients to see clearly the root of the problem and identify potential solutions to the problem. The counselor also changes the client’s point of view to help him make the right decision or choose a course of action; as well as helping clients to stay intuitive and positive in the future.
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Definition of Guidance Counseling According to Experts
The definition of guidance and counseling according to experts, among others:
1. Azzett (2013)
Guidance and counseling is an effort to provide assistance to students so that they can understand themselves so that they are able to direct themselves and act well according to the development of their souls. These efforts are carried out in a systematic and continuous manner.
2. Minister of Education and Culture Number 111 of 2014 Concerning Guidance and Counseling in Basic Education and Secondary Education
The definition of guidance and counseling is a systematic, objective, logical and continuous and programmed effort carried out by counselors or Guidance and Counseling teachers to facilitate the development of students/counselees to achieve independence in their lives.
Purpose of Counseling Guidance
The main purpose of guidance and counseling is to provide assistance to individuals in developing themselves optimally in accordance with:
- Developmental stages and predispositions (such as basic abilities and talents),
- Various backgrounds (including family background, education, socioeconomic status, etc.),
- In accordance with the positive demands of the environment
Meanwhile, according to Balitbang (2006), guidance and counseling services specifically aim to:
- Planning study completion activities, career development and also the lives of students in the future.
- To develop all potentials and strengths possessed by students as optimally as possible.
- Adjusting to the educational environment and the community environment.
- Knowing the obstacles and difficulties faced by students in learning, adjustments to the educational environment and society.
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Benefits of Counseling Guidance
Guidance and counseling are important for children, and schools have a big role to play in bringing out the best in children. Good conduct is highly desirable, but sometimes young people need guidance to polish their personality.
Through counseling, children are given advice on how to manage and deal with emotional conflicts and personal problems.
Proper counseling will help incorporate valuable lessons into their daily life. Some sessions should involve career guidance, where students are advised on course selection and different career paths.
It is important to prepare them for life after school and what to expect in the various fields they may choose
Following are some of the benefits that students get from effective guidance and counseling:
- Learners are given appropriate guidance on how to deal with psychological problems that can adversely affect their learning. Through these sessions, students will be able to develop certain problem-solving skills that help them deal with certain problems around their lives.
- Learners are advised on how to deal with various situations they are likely to encounter in their school life. For example, how should they speak politely or relate to their peers. This advice will give them perspective on how they should behave in certain scenarios.
- Guidance and counseling helps shape the behavior of students and also instills sufficient discipline in them. Proper guidance helps them achieve their goals, well-guided and advised learners know what to do and how to do things in the best way.
- Learners learn how to live in peace and harmony with others in the school community. Thus, they also learn to respect other people in their class.
- Guidance and counseling helps to bridge the gap between students and school administration, as they can guide their problems through the right counseling channels in the office.
- Students receive comprehensive advice on careers, courses and jobs enabling them to make informed and informed choices and understand what they can do after they finish school.
- Allows students to talk to teachers about experiences that make them uncomfortable. They can openly share issues that they couldn’t share with their parents.
- Talks related to alcohol, drugs, personal feelings or any kind of harassment, can be discussed openly. Guidance and counseling also make students become better human beings because they are guided on how to act and behave in certain situations.
- Guidance and counseling will always enable students experiencing certain difficulties in their lives, to ask questions and clarify them through guidance and counseling. Therefore, counseling helps them to ask questions without fear because responsible people are willing to help.
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Difference Between Guidance and Counseling
The significant differences between guidance and counseling are shown in the following points:
- Relevant advice or information provided by superiors to be able to solve problems or overcome difficulties, is referred to as guidance. Counseling refers to professional advice given by a counselor to a person to assist him in coping with personal or psychological problems.
- Guidance is preventive in nature, whereas counseling tends to be healing, curative or remedial.
- Guidance assists the person in choosing the best alternative. But counseling, tends to change the perspective, to help him find his own solution.
- Mentoring is a comprehensive process; with an external approach. On the other hand, counseling focuses on in-depth and deep problem analysis, until the client fully understands and overcomes it.
- Guidance is taken about education and career issues, while counseling is taken when problems are related to personal and socio-psychological problems.
- Guidance is given by a mentor who can be anyone who is superior or expert in a particular field. In contrast to counseling provided by counselors who have a high level of skills and through professional training.
- Guidance can be open so that the level of privacy is lower. Unlike counseling, where confidentiality is maintained.
- Guidance can be given to individuals or groups of individuals at a time. Instead, counseling is always one to one.
- In guides, guides make decisions for clients. In contrast to counseling, where the counselor empowers clients to make their own decisions.
Counselor counselor. For example, it can provide information about a person’s abilities and interests as determined by psychological tests or about educational opportunities and the requirements of various jobs. However, competent counselors do not seek to solve other people’s problems; the counselor tries to explain the person’s own thinking.
That was an article that could be given to all people regarding the understanding of guidance and counseling according to experts, the purpose, benefits, and differences between guidance and counseling.