What is Culture? Definition and Purpose

The nature of culture  is actually a characteristic of a series of knowledge of a group of people which includes language,  social norms , art, beliefs,  social values , and so on.

This can then be seen as a form of identity growth possessed by  certain individuals and  community groups which is then fostered by their social patterns.


Viewed from an etymology perspective, the word “culture” or culture comes from the Sanskrit word ” buddhayah ” which means reason, human mind. Cultural elements have a complex, abstract and comprehensive nature.

This culture can then determine individual communicative behavior, and can have implications for individual activities in  the social environment .

In this case, it can be said that  the definition of culture  is a way of life shared by a social group and its existence is passed down from generation to generation.

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Cultural Concept

The concept of culture can be interpreted along with the development and changes in behavior and structures that exist in society. Socio-cultural changes  can occur as a result of technological developments from time to time.

Cultural Goals

The objectives contained in each cultural element are as follows:

  1. As a guide to relationships between individuals and groups

A group of people will be able to walk together and in harmony because they have guidelines and have the same culture. So that in this case  culture and civilization  will facilitate the process of achieving goals in that society.

  1. As a means of meeting the needs of life and society

Culture does not only talk about  customs , but also behavioral patterns found in society. This includes how the community can survive by fulfilling their daily needs, such as gardening for mountain communities and going to sea in coastal areas.

  1. As a Driver for Community Change

Culture can be used as a driver of change in society. This applies to  (new) popular culture  which is starting to enter the realm of certain societies. Like K-Pop culture which has penetrated society, most of whom are teenagers.

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Cultural Elements

The following are elements in the concept of culture:

  1. Language

Language is an element of culture that is often used by humans to communicate with each other or carry out various  forms of social interaction . Language is a system of human symbols spoken or written.

  1. Knowledge Systems

The knowledge system has a function to fulfill human curiosity about science. Humans as living creatures can always fulfill their life needs through a knowledge system.

  1.  Belief System

The element of the belief system is very important for humans, because sometimes humans have life problems that are so difficult to face that they cannot make sense. Thus, the belief system becomes a medium for solving life problems faced by every human being.

  1. Social System

In true community life, it will always be regulated by rules or customs regarding unity within a community environment. This can occur as a process of controlling various activities that are considered deviant and thus destroying the order of life.

  1. Technology Systems

The technology in question is how technology develops from time to time, starting from traditional technology to modern technology, which develops in line with cultural developments throughout the ages.

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  1. Political System

Systems in various  types of political culture  are one element of culture that has developed since ancient times. In the Greek era, the political system had become a culture that had a big role in life, especially in society.

  1. Economic System

The economic system in culture is interpreted as the gradual development of how humans survive and humans continue to evolve from the most traditional to the most modern stage today.

The first economic system started with a barter system and developed along with the discovery of money as a means of exchanging goods and services.

  1. Art

Art is defined as an expression of beauty whose existence continues to develop over time. In works of art, messages are usually implied that an artist wants to convey to art lovers.

  1. Organization of power

Organizations are a form of cultural institutionalization, which in an organization cannot be separated from matters of power. The organizational element of power is closely related to the element of the political system in which there are influences to achieve power.

  1. Family

The definition of family  is a cultural element, because the family is the smallest unit in society. Everything that every individual has and lives begins in the family. The family has a very important role because the family is a reflection of how the character, behavior and disposition of each individual is formed.

  1. Norm system

The norm system is closely related to how values ​​are upheld in society and is considered a forming element of culture. This norm system then becomes a benchmark for forming policies and laws that will be implemented in society.

  1. Livelihood/Profession

Livelihood or profession is an element of culture. This is because humans at the beginning of civilization carried out activities such as farming, animal husbandry, hunting and trading, and this was done continuously so that it became a culture in addition to having a function as a way of survival for every human being.

  1. Communication media

Communication media is one part of the cultural elements because it has a very important role in the development of human civilization. With the existence of communication media such as inscriptions, palm leaves, and so on, it is proof that perpetuating past histories through these media has become a culture owned by humans.

  1. History and myth

The elements of culture as a whole are related to history and myths believed by every community.

Through history and myth, people will carry out several activities that are carried out continuously, so that they have become a culture to this day. For example,  larung ageng labuhan  is carried out every year and is believed to bring good fortune and as an expression of gratitude for the harvest that has been bestowed by God.

  1. Customs

Customs will still exist and survive to balance cultural developments which are increasingly changing. Good habits and unique successes that develop in society will become a social force that becomes a unique characteristic of every custom.

  1. International relations

Relations between nations also have a huge influence on the development of culture. These things can be culture based on beliefs, social systems, social relationships, and so on.

  1. Geographic Environment

The formation of culture can also be influenced by geographical factors or related to geosphere phenomena such as soil conditions, climate, air temperature, etc. which are related to the natural world where humans live.

  1. Natural resources

Not much different from elements of the geographic environment, elements of natural resources are also one of the elements that form a culture in society. This will affect how people live in areas that have abundant natural resources and those that are far from abundant natural resources.

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  1. Prestige

Prestige sometimes has a negative impact in the form of forcing oneself on someone or for  example a social group , family or community in a social environment that has its own prestige, if it is not controlled it will give rise to an attitude in the  sense of primordialism .

  1. Race

The definition of race  itself is actually divided into two parts, namely superior races or races that are able to create culture and inferior races or races that are able to use cultural results. Therefore, race becomes an element that supports the development of a culture, where there must be encouragement from individuals to form that culture.

This is a complete series of explanations and reviews for all readers regarding the various  purposes of culture  in society. Hopefully this material can provide insight and knowledge for everyone.