Employee performance is one aspect that must be considered in a company.
The reason is, if the performance of employees in the company is not good, it will affect the development and progress of the company itself.
There are a number of factors that influence the good or bad performance of a company employee.
So, before you find out what these factors are, let’s first look at the meaning of employee performance according to the following experts.
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Definition of Employee Performance According to Experts
So that you better understand what is meant by employee performance in a company, first consider the meaning according to the experts below.
1. According to Moeheriono
Prof. Dr. Moeheriono, M.Si in his book defines what employee performance is.
He explained that the performance of an employee in a company is something that can be achieved by individuals or groups, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
2. According to Prawirosentono
Furthermore, Prawirosentono also explained about the performance of employees or employees.
He explained that performance is the work of a group or within an organization in accordance with the responsibilities and powers of each, but working together to achieve organizational or company goals that do not violate morals, law or ethics.
3. According to McCormick & Tiffin
Meanwhile, according to McCormick & Tiffin, the performance of an employee is the time and amount that the company needs to carry out its activities.
So, that’s the meaning of the performance of employees or employees in a company that you need to know in order to better understand what employee performance is.
Furthermore, you also need to know what are the goals and benefits of having employee performance in a company below.
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Purpose of Employee Performance Assessment
Rivai (2005) in his book explains a number of employee performance appraisal objectives in a company.
The first objective is to review the past performance of employees.
In addition, this assessment also aims to obtain data that is accurate and in accordance with the facts.
The goal is for the company to determine the exact value of a job.
Performance appraisal of employees also aims to identify the organizational capabilities of employees in a company.
The next objective is to analyze the capabilities of individual employees, determine employee potential, and to provide fair wages or salaries through input in HR software for employees according to their performance.
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Benefits of Employee Performance Assessment
Besides having a number of objectives, employee performance appraisal also has significant benefits.
The first benefit of employee performance is that it can provide information or data related to the results of a job.
In addition, this assessment is also useful to avoid misunderstanding or miscommunication about the quality of work expected by the company.
Other benefits include increasing employee productivity, appreciating employee contributions to the company, and creating good two-way communication between employees and managers.
Important Factors Affecting Employee Performance
Knowing what factors affect employee performance is also important so that employee performance does not decrease.
Then, what are the factors that can affect the performance of employees? Check out the following reviews.
1. Discipline
The first factor that can affect the performance of employees is discipline.
The reason is, discipline is a crucial attitude that must be possessed by employees in a company or organization.
Things that employees can do, for example, are like maintaining attendance in an orderly manner, which can be monitored by the company through a good attendance management system , so that the company can also recognize disciplined employees.
If employees have a disciplined attitude, then the business will run smoothly, because these employees will be disciplined in following company regulations and disciplined in carrying out their respective duties and responsibilities.
Therefore, companies should be able to formulate policies that can affect the discipline of their employees.
2. Work Motivation
The second factor that can influence is motivation.
Motivation is an encouragement from every individual who appears to do work either consciously or not to achieve certain goals.
3. Compensation or Incentives
Compensation or incentives are also one of the factors that can affect the performance of an employee.
Usually, this compensation or incentive can be in the form of bonuses that can improve the work performance of employees.
In addition, this compensation can also be in the form of promotion which can make employees also enthusiastic in improving their performance.
In addition to promotions and bonuses, this compensation can also be in the form of other awards.
4. Leadership Style
The leadership style of employees can also improve their performance.
The reason is, employees who have a good leadership style can produce good work performance as well.
In addition, the leadership style of a company’s superiors can also affect the performance of employees.
If a company’s boss has a good leadership style and can protect his subordinates, then employees will not get excessive pressure and employees can complete tasks well.
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5. Work Environment
The next factor is the work environment.
If the work environment in a company has comfortable and clean conditions, then it can make the mood of employees in a company calmer and more focused on completing their work.
In addition, if the company provides complete and qualified work tools, the employees will also be maximized.
Not only that, companies must also provide a safe work environment and must pay attention to the health of their employees.
6. Training for Employees
Providing job training and education to employees is also important because it can affect the work performance of these employees.
In particular, training and job guidance are needed by new employees.
However, that doesn’t mean old employees don’t need job training.
Job training is still needed so that performance continues to improve over time.
7. Development of Technology
In addition to training and job guidance, technological developments also affect the level of performance of employees.
This is because with technology the company has the potential to work more effectively and efficiently.
This is because the purpose of technology is to help human work become easier, faster and more accurate.
Therefore, technological developments are one of the crucial factors that can affect the performance of employees in a company.
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8. Task Delegation
Why task delegation can affect employee performance in a company.
Delegation of tasks means the transfer of work or tasks to other employees who are linear or appropriate.
This method is referred to as an effective way to improve employee performance.
This is because every employee can get the opportunity to do tasks according to their respective expertise.
9. Strong Communication
The last factor that can affect employee performance is the existence of strong communication and interpersonal relationships between team members and other departments.
If employees in a company have good relationships and communication, it will be easier to achieve the main goals of the company.