In an effort to preserve living creatures and maintain their types and numbers, breeding is very important. Moreover, regarding plants or plants, there are many ways to reproduce them, either generatively or vegetatively.
The generative method is to reproduce plants using seeds that are replanted, while the vegetative method is divided into two, namely natural vegetative such as shoots, geragih, spores and tubers and artificial vegetative such as grafting, cuttings, grafting and grafting.
In vegetative reproduction, human assistance is usually required, such as grafting. This method is very important to know so that we want to produce new seeds that are similar to their parents. What’s more, with this method you can produce fruit or flowers more quickly and can grow more fertile.
So that you know more about grafting, you can read this review. This article will explain everything you need to know and understand regarding grafting. Where the meaning, advantages and disadvantages will be explained, as well as the correct way to graft. Happy reading!
Definition of Grafting
Grafting is a method of vegetative propagation where the method used is to peel tree branches that look large until the cambium is visible, then the cambium is covered with soil or humus and coated with plastic and then tied.
Grafting is a technique for multiplying, namely by cutting branches of the parent tree and wrapping them in a planting medium whose aim is to stimulate the formation of new roots.
The success of this technique is influenced by several factors such as the size of the parent stem or diameter of the stem and the ideal planting medium which will influence the plants resulting from grafting to grow well.
Artificial grafting can also be known as marcoter en, which is a method used by humans to root a plant that is still united with its mother by making an incision on part of the mother plant.
New roots are expected to grow on the part of the parent that has been cut. Plants commonly used for grafting are dicotyledonous plants or plants that have cambium, such as guava, avocado, rambutan, mango, and others.
Grafting Requirements
What you need to know is that not all plants can be propagated by vegetative propagation by grafting. The following are several conditions for plants that can be grafted.
- The plants to be used must of course have cambium.
- The stem is neither too old nor too young either.
- Its size is about the size of an adult’s big toe.
These are some of the conditions for plants that can be carried out using the grafting method, so we can understand that not all plants can be grafted, then by knowing and following these conditions when we graft, we will get good results.
What are the steps in grafting?
The process of grafting plants is not difficult and does not take a long time. However, you need to be careful not to make mistakes in carrying out the steps in grafting. Here are the grafting steps:
- Choose branches that look strong and healthy.
- The diameter is around 0.5-2 cm, the skin color is light brown or brownish green, this depends on the type of plant.
- Cut the bark of the plant stem about 10 cm for mature plants or 2-3 cm for small plants at a 45 degree angle until the cambium can be seen clearly.
- The cambium is removed using a knife and then scraped until clean and dry.
- After scraping, the upper incision can be smeared with growth hormone or not, such as Liquinox Start Vitamin B-1 at a dose of 2 cc for 1 liter of water which can be purchased at agricultural stores.
- Then prepare several sheets of plastic or coconut fiber in a circle covering the stem at the bottom of the incision, then tie it with raffia or plastic rope.
- Always place the grafted plant in the sun and always water it every day.
- After approximately 2-3 months, if the grafted plant looks strong and has succeeded in growing roots, this will be considered a successful graft. The leaves on the branches will look fresh. The graft can be cut using a saw under the graft tie or cutting scissors.
- After being cut from the parent, ideally some of the leaves are removed to prevent excessive evaporation. After that, the plastic packaging for the media can be removed and placed in a polybag.
- Once it looks big enough, the graft can be moved to the garden.
These are the steps for grafting in general, the process is easy and fast, to get good plant results, always place them in the sun and always water them every day.
When talking about planting, definitely don’t forget about fertilizer, one of the fertilizers that is often used is compost. Eits, you need to know this, Mudalovers, you cannot use compost fertilizer carelessly.
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Types of Grafting Methods
There are several types and methods of grafting process. Here are some ways of grafting.
1. Ground Layering
This method of grafting is commonly known as bending. This method consists of bending the plant branches to the ground level and then immersing some of the plant branches. Meanwhile, the parts of the plant branches that appear on the ground are allowed to grow and develop.
After the embedded stem forms new roots, the branch of the plant is cut from the parent tree to be used as a seed for a new plant. Ground Layering methods are divided into five types. As follows:
1. Tip Layerage
This type has a method of lowering the branches to the ground level, the tips of the branches are buried in the ground to a depth of 3-5 cm, and is usually used for propagating pomegranates, azaleas, mulberries and others.
After being planted for approximately 2-3 months, the tip of the branch will form new roots. Roots will quickly form by cutting off some of the embedded branches.
2. Simple Layerage
This type is actually the same as Tip Layerage, only what makes it different is that the part of the branch that is implanted is longer and is usually for the propagation of roses, apples and other plants.
Branches will be planted deeper, namely around 10-25 cm, leaving the tips of the branches appearing at the ground level around 10-25 cm. So that root growth can be faster, embedded branches must be cut first and growth regulators can be given.
3. Trench Layerage
This type is the same as the two types above, only the part planted is longer, around 10-15 cm and only certain types of plants are around 25-50 cm, the branches must be planted at a depth of around 10 cm.
This type will produce more reproduction, because it will likely grow around 3-5 shoots which will become new plants.
4. Serpentine Layerage
This type has a method of bending the plant branches lengthwise and then immersing them in the ground alternately.
As a result, shoots will appear on the parts that are not planted, while the branches that are planted will grow new roots. After the shoots and roots grow, the branches will be cut and become new plants.
5. Mound Layerage
This type has a method, namely by cutting the main stem from the main tree, then planting the stem in the ground, after a few months new shoots will emerge from the embedded stem.
These shoots will grow roots so that they can form normal young plants that can be separated from the parent. This type is usually done on roses, apes or chrysanthemums.
2. Air Layering
Another grafting method can be by using air layering. This type of grafting method is usually used on horticultural plants. There are two reasons why these plants use air layering.
- Plants cannot be propagated by grafting other methods because it is difficult for the plant to grow roots if separated from the parent plant.
- On average, plants have tall branches so they are quite difficult to bend down to the ground.
For air layering, there are two types of grafting methods that are commonly used, namely incised grafts and split grafts. The following is an explanation of the two types of grafting methods.
1. Incision Graft
This type has a method, namely by cutting the bark of the branch with a length of about 5-7 cm
2. Split Graft
This type is usually applied to plants that have large branches. Split grafting is done by cutting the branch to half the diameter of the branch, then splitting the branch at the root approximately 15-20 cm long.
The actual length of the split depends on the size of the branch, the bigger it is, the longer it has to be split.
These are several methods and types of grafting, which can be used at ground level or on other stem surfaces where the branches are too high. This grafting method can also be seen from the type of plant, because not all plants can use all the grafting methods described above.
It’s not just the grafting technique that is often used in planting plants or trees. There are cuttings and grafting. Do you know these two planting techniques?
What are the Factors for Successful Grafting?
There are several supporting factors that must be considered when grafting plants, namely:
1. Time
The best time to graft plants is during the rainy season. Although actually it is not a problem in the dry season as long as you always water the mother tree and the part that is being grafted regularly.
2. Selection of branches or stems
It is better if the branch or stem chosen for grafting is not too old, usually this can be seen from its light brown color.
In the branches or stems there are a lot of food reserves, so you can get good quality grafts.
3. Maintenance
What you need to pay attention to is always maintaining humidity in the grafting media and watering it regularly every day. Watering at least once a day, can be done in the morning or evening.
4. Equipment
The tools and materials used for grafting should still function properly and be clean. This is to avoid the grafts being infected by disease and to reduce their quantity.
5. Media
The media that must be chosen has a high nutrient content and can retain moisture well. Media commonly used for grafting include soil, manure, compost, etc.
6. Wrapping
The packaging for soil media that is commonly used is plastic, because this packaging material has the ability to retain soil moisture well.
These are several factors in order to get good results in grafting by paying attention to the time for grafting, choosing good branches or stems, good maintenance by always keeping the soil moist every day, using equipment that functions well and is clean, using good media, and choosing proper packaging.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Grafting
The process of grafting plants can produce lots of beautiful fruit and flowers. By combining two plants into one, the plant will become stronger and resistant to various diseases. However, that is not the only advantage of grafting, here are the benefits that can be obtained from grafting plants.
- Grafted plants will grow to a lower height than their parents so they will be easy to care for and will not fall apart easily.
- Grafted plants will tend to produce fresh fruit or flowers more quickly than their parents.
- By grafting plants of course it will not reduce the quality of the parent, what happens is that the grafted plant will have almost the same quality as the parent.
- Even though in the previous explanation grafting will not reduce the quality of the mother plant, excessive incisions on the mother plant can cause the mother plant to quickly become damaged and die.
- What needs to be considered when grafting is special care and cannot be ignored. If you don’t maintain it regularly, the plant will quickly die.
- Fruit production on the parent tree will decrease, this is because the plant is experiencing a vegetative phase from the start.
- Material for grafting on the mother tree is very limited.
Those are the benefits that can be obtained from grafting, we can know the advantages and disadvantages of grafting, after understanding, of course there are several things that must be paid attention to so that plants continue to grow well and develop well according to expectations.
Talking about plants, of course there are many plants that can be grown at home. Still confused about finding a guide to fertilizing plants at home? This book, Anti-Pollutant Indoor Plants, Beautiful and Healthy Home with Indoor Plants, is suitable for you to use as a reference so that your room can be more beautiful.
Differences from Layering, Grafting, and Transplantation
There are several terms in grafting such as layering, grafting, and transplantation. The following is an explanation and differences between the three.
1. Layering
The grafting process involves planting a branch of a plant that is connected to the mother plant to become a root and get a new plant, then after that it is cut when the new plant grows and develops.
2. Grafting
The grafting process combines two different types of plants into one. Usually this grafting process is carried out to produce fruit or flowers that are fresh and grow abundantly.
3. Transplant
This is the process of grafting by moving plants from one place to another. Of course this will require new soil and pot.
That is the explanation and difference between layering, grafting and transplantation where the grafting process is also different. However, keep in mind the ultimate goal of getting good results and thriving.
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The definition of grafting is an artificial vegetative propagation activity which has the aim of producing plants with almost the same quality as the parent, and of course producing fruit more quickly. The essence of grafting plants is to combine two different types of plants into one.
The grafting process usually produces plants that are stronger, don’t die quickly, and can produce good quality fruit or flowers. Some of us of course already know how to graft because we were taught it when we were at school.
The key to success in grafting depends on how well you understand and carefully follow the grafting steps and carry out maintenance. Therefore, you must first understand the basic techniques for grafting plants before starting to graft.
This is an article that explains grafting, from the meaning, advantages and disadvantages, to how to graft. Mudalovers can read complete articles about how to graft well by accessing to get them.
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