A company will not be separated from matters of HR planning because it is useful for empowering employees/employees effectively.
In addition, without good human resource planning, a company or organization will not be able to survive, develop and advance in the future.
So what is meant by human resources and human resource planning?
So, for a more complete explanation, let’s look at the following reviews about human resource planning.
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What is Human Resources?
Before you know what HR planning is, you should first know what human resources are.
HR is defined as every individual who works productively to drive an organization, company, and functions as an asset for that organization or company.
Because of its very crucial function, HR must receive training and guidance so that it continues to develop.
Furthermore, HR is also grouped into two types, namely Macro HR and Micro HR.
Macro human resources are the total population of productive age in a region.
Meanwhile, micro human resources are people who work in an institution or company.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that HR is a person or individual who works in a company who has certain abilities.
These various abilities are commonly known as human capital or human capital .
Therefore, HR is one of the important factors in achieving company goals, apart from capital and technology.
Well, this is the importance of the existence of human resource planning.
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Definition of HR Planning
Now, after you know what human resources are, then also know the meaning of HR planning which plays an important role in the progress of the company.
HR Planning or Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a forecasting process that is systematic in nature by linking a company’s HR needs with the company’s strategy and goals.
In addition, the company also needs to ensure that the human resources it has are adequate, qualified and competent, in achieving the company’s goals.
1. According to KBBI
In addition to the understanding of human resource planning above, KBBI also has a definition of human resource planning, namely an individual’s potential that can be developed and trained for the benefit of the production process.
2. According to Mathis and Jackson (2001)
A number of experts also define what human resource planning is, one of them is Mathis and Jackson (2001).
According to Mathis and Jacson (2001), HR planning is a process of identification and analysis to have human resources that can achieve organizational or company goals.
3. According to Andrew E. Sikula
Andrew E. Sikula also defines human resource planning, namely as a process in determining the needs of employees/employees and so that HR work is in accordance with organizational plans.
4. According to Mondy & Noe (1995)
Furthermore, according to Mondy & Noe (1995), human resource planning is a systematic process that analyzes the condition of human resources with the aim that the number and quality of human resources with the appropriate skills are met when a company or organization needs them.
5. According to Werther and Davis
Expert opinion according to Werther and Davis about human resource planning is a systematic plan in predicting employee needs with availability for the future.
Thus, the HRD (Human Resource Department) can immediately carry out the tasks of the HRD team in planning to carry out worker recruitment, selection, training, and other series.
6. Jackson & Schuler (1990)
Schuler & Walker (1990) also defines HR planning, namely as a management process that determines the mobility of an organization’s or company’s current HR towards a desired future position.
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Functions and Objectives of HR Planning
After you understand what human resource planning is, then what are its functions and objectives?
In general, the main objective of HR planning is to ensure that there is certainty between the suitability of the workforce and the number of jobs available, be it the number or quality of human resources that the company needs.
To determine suitability, the process must be based on the demand and supply and demand of the company’s human resources.
Then, what are the other functions and objectives in implementing HR planning for the company?
1. Monitoring HR Demand and Supply
Monitoring the demand and supply of company HR is one of the biggest objectives and functions of HR planning.
This can assist the HR department in anticipating future needs for the number and quality of workforce.
It will be very helpful for a workforce that is changing in nature such as in the project organizational structure.
2. Help HR Find the Right Candidates
HR planning provides a lot of assistance to the HR department to be able to work more proactively.
With data on employee needs from HR planning, HR can find job candidates with characteristics and competencies appropriate to the job position.
HR tasks are also more concise because they can predict job growth and job vacancies that can attract candidates to apply for the position.
3. Placing Employees in the Best Position
There is nothing better than employees who give their best performance and achievements at work.
That goal is to be achieved in HR planning where to find a position that can reveal the greatest potential of its employees.
These conditions can have a significant impact on performance and productivity, because employees feel comfortable and can explore their skills and abilities.
4. Organizational Efficiency
In order for the company to provide optimal results in its operations, the company must be efficient so that it does not need to spend excess funds on things that are not important.
Routine data collection in HR planning is needed in order to find out how many or how few workers the company needs.
Organizations that are too fat but overlapping each other do not describe an efficient company.
On the contrary, it can disrupt the company’s management and operations in the long term.
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Stages of Human Resource Planning
You need to know that making human resource planning is not arbitrary and must follow the stages as follows.
1. Analyze Organizational Goals
The first stage of HR planning is analyzing organizational goals.
Next, you can describe the goals of the organization or company in more detail, namely the goals of each division of the company.
For example, you must determine what the goals of the marketing, finance, production divisions are, and so on.
By detailing such objectives, an assessment of HR needs for each division will be formed.
2. Conduct HR Inventory
After you get the value of HR needs from the results of the analysis of organizational goals, then you will then know about the HR information currently available in your company.
Matters included in the HR inventory are capacity, ability, number, educational background, to workforce potential.
3. Estimating HR Demand and Supply
After the HR inventory stage, the next stage is estimating the workforce that the company will need in the future.
So, companies must consider whether there should be additional employees, employee training, increased productivity, and so on.
At this stage, accurate HR data will be needed in order to estimate the company’s needs. Recording and managing company workforce data can be done using an integrated online HR application .
4. Estimating the HR Gap
Estimating the human resource gap is very important because it will determine whether there will be additional human resources or reduced human resources so that work becomes more efficient.
This can be done after getting the results of a comparison between HR demand and supply which will eventually produce a difference, be it a difference of more or less.
5. Formulate an HR Action Plan
The next stage is that the human resource planning team must formulate an HR action plan.
This stage is carried out after the estimation results are available and if there are gaps, action is needed to eliminate these gaps.
Examples of actions that can be taken are transfers between sections or even termination of employment.
6. Monitoring, Control and Feedback
The final stage in HR planning is monitoring, controlling and feedback according to the needs of the company or organization.
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Factors to Consider in HR Planning
The following are a number of HR planning factors that must be considered by companies.
1. Growth (Growth)
Paying attention to financial growth factors and company needs is an important factor in HR planning.
2. Change (Change)
The next factor is change because change can happen at any time, so HR must be able to think creatively and flexibly so that the company’s needs are still properly met.
3. Technology
An HR must be able to understand the importance of technology for the smooth operation of the company.
There are many of the best ERP software that can be used by the HR team in managing company operations, one example is attendance software , payroll software and also online payroll application which will be very helpful in HR work.
Therefore, if needed, HR needs to plan training to study company features or devices for employees.
So, that’s the complete review about HR planning and I hope this article can be useful for you. If you want to learn more,