What is Human Resource Development? Definition, Functions and Methods

In a company, it is important to have human resource development because it has an influence on the development of the company itself.

Therefore, it is important for a company to understand what HR development is, its functions, and what methods can be used.

Well, if you don’t know about all of that, don’t worry because this article will explain it in full.

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Definition of Human Resource Development

Human resource development has the meaning of a company or organization’s activities that aim to improve the capabilities and skills of its human resources within a certain period of time.

In more detail, Human Resource development can be interpreted as the most proactive sub-function because it starts at the level of identifying training needs, conducting a situation survey, and conducting training programs.

The training is an ongoing process but short term while organizational development is long term and company goal oriented.

However, both have a direct role in building culture within a company.

Experts also define what human resource development is, according to experts, human resource development is as follows.

According to MM Khan, he explained human resource development as a form of increasing positive knowledge, attitudes and work abilities of employees in a company.

Furthermore, according to Prof. TV Rao, he explains the definition of HR development as a process in which employees are assisted continuously and planned to acquire or sharpen the skills needed to perform various functions related to their current or expected roles in the future.

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He further explained that human resource development also aims to develop the capabilities of employees as individuals and find and utilize the potential of employees for the purpose of self-development and or the company.

Human Resources Development Function

As previously mentioned, HR development has many important functions for the good of the company and the company’s employees themselves.

So, here are a number of main functions of HR development that you need to know about.

1. Training and Development

Training and development focuses on changing or improving skills. knowledge, and attitudes of employees/individuals.

This training and development usually involves providing employees with the knowledge and skills needed to perform a particular task or job.

The development of natural resources has an effective role in building the development of existing employees in a company as a whole.

In addition, HR development also serves to provide knowledge to the workforce so they can work efficiently.

2. Organizational/Company Development

The development of this company can be done through planned interventions that apply the concept of behavioral science.

This intervention emphasizes organizational/company changes both in the macro and micro scope.

3. Career Development

The next function of human resource development is career development.

In the career development process, the progress of each employee is formed through a series of stages because it is a continuous process.

The career development process involves two different processes, namely career planning and career management.

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4. Getting Talented Employees

Another human resource development function is to attract and hire the right employees to carry out company activities.

Recruitment and selection of the right type of employees is a must for every company to achieve its goals, so companies must also be able to choose the  best HR software .

HR development also functions to match the right person with the right job in order to get maximum results.

Each employee is appointed to various roles after evaluating the skills and abilities of the employee according to the responsibilities and activities to be carried out.

5. Better Relations between Employees and Leaders

Every organization wants good relations among all its members operating in different roles.

Human resource development aims to strengthen the relationship between employers and employees within a company.

Thus, HR development can build the right communication network where subordinates can easily ask questions and opinions to company leaders.

Company leaders can also protect their subordinates well and can build good relationships with employees.

6. Measuring Company Performance and Management

Another main function of HR development is to measure the performance of employees and company management.

With human resource development, it allows the company to detect various company problems and work inefficiencies.

In addition, companies can also review employee performance and find employees who are performing poorly, such as through the  online HRIS application , the attendance percentage of each employee can be reviewed there.

If an employee is found to have poor performance, it is the manager’s job to guide the employee so that his performance increases.

7. Determining Compensation and Benefits

HR development also plays a role in determining the right amount of benefits and compensation for employees.

Each employee will receive compensation and benefits based on their qualifications and overall performance.

This can also indirectly increase the morale and confidence of employees because they have worked actively and optimally.

Even when the employee finishes his work contract or is laid off, the employee has the right to receive severance pay from the company.

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HR Development Method

In carrying out human resource development, companies need to do it using the right method.

This is so that the company can achieve the goal of developing its own human resources.

So, here are a number of human resource development methods that can be used by a company or organization.

1. Training or Training

Training or training is a method of developing human resources that aims to make human capital development ( human capital ) in organizations or companies more skilled in working according to their respective duties and responsibilities.

In general, training can be carried out externally or internally.
An example of internal training is training that is implemented within a company environment, such as  On the Job Training (OJT).

So, the person who trains can also be from the company itself or from another company that cooperates with the company implementing the training.

Meanwhile, external training is training that brings employees to an agency or training institution.

Usually, training is mandatory for every new employee, so that in the future he can do his job better.

2. Apprenticeship

In addition to training or training methods, another HR development method is apprenticeship.

In general, internships are carried out to prepare new employees to be ready to do their job to the fullest.

3. Education

The educational method is when the company provides formal education facilities to its employees by continuing their education level.

Usually, this aims to meet the educational qualifications that companies need.

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4. Job Rotation

HR development in a company can also be done by way of job rotation.

This method is used when there are employees who have less than optimal performance.

Therefore, the company will evaluate the employee’s performance by looking for what causes it.

As an example, the cause may be due to great work pressure, not getting along with the team, tired, bored, and so on.