What is Personnel Administration? Definition, Function, Objectives and Scope of the System

Every company, of course, has an administration department. One of them is the personnel administration section. Usually, this administration section will take care of matters that are closely related to the company’s administrative matters. Then, what about personnel administration?

When we hear the term personnel administration, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is the system implemented in a company. However, in reality, material regarding personnel administration is also a very important thing to learn, not only for those of us who want to pursue a career in a company, but also for everyone who wants to set up a business or venture.

What  is  the meaning of personnel administration?

As the name suggests, the term personnel administration is a combination of two words, namely administration and personnel. The Liang Gie in his book entitled  Office Administration  states that administration is the entire process of carrying out any collaborative effort among a group of people to achieve predetermined goals.

Meanwhile, in the book  Personnel Administration , Saksono defines personnel as all people employed in a particular body, whether in a government body or a private body.

Based on the combination of these two definitions, it can be concluded that personnel administration is all activities or activities related to the problem of using employees to achieve a certain goal.

Another source states that personnel administration is a total of activities or activities that are also related to the issue of ‘using’ employees as workforce in order to achieve goals well.

Personnel administration is  any form of activity related to the management or use of employees to achieve certain goals . If personnel administration exists in a company, then it is certain to achieve the company’s predetermined goals.

Meanwhile,  administrators  have the goal of being able to organize and control all activities in order to be able to maintain, develop, acquire or use employees according to their workload. This is so that you can achieve the predetermined goals of the organization or company well.

We all need to know that the workload of an employee or employee must be appropriate for each status. The workload must be distributed evenly among employees. This is one of the roles of personnel administration. That way, there are no employees who are overloaded with work, nor are there employees who have a small workload and are unemployed.

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How is Personnel Administration Formulated?

Please note, personnel administration can be formulated as follows, namely:

1. As Science

As a science, personnel administration studies all processes of using human power from recruitment to dismissal.

2. As a Process

As a process, personnel administration is the process of implementing personnel politics. With a “political personnel policy” or work program, goals related to human labor are used in cooperative efforts to achieve certain goals.

3. As a function

As a function, personnel administration regulates and manages the use of human labor in a collaborative effort between a group of people to achieve certain goals which include several activities. First, formulate the main goals and objectives of political policy. Second, structure the organization in order to carry out the implementation of the main goals and objectives or political policies.

4. As Art

As an art, personnel administration selects new employees and uses old employees in such a way that maximum results and services can be obtained from all human labor, both in terms of quantity/quantity and quality.

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What  is  the Function of Personnel Administration?

What does Grameds know about the function of personnel administration? Actually, the personnel administration function is divided into two, namely managerial functions and operational or technical functions. The following are several things that are included in managerial functions and operational or technical functions.

1. Managerial Function

Managerial function means a function that is closely related to work that prioritizes management or not technical matters. This includes planning, organizing, directing and controlling employees.

Planning includes determining employee needs, anticipating changes that occur related to employee needs, and so on. This includes planning to fill seats from positions that will be vacant later.

Organizing includes the division of tasks and authority which is also usually shown through the hierarchy of the organizational or company structure. This employee direction is more towards improving employee performance, such as providing  rewards  and other forms of appreciation. To control these employees, employee performance is measured and assessed in the form of supervision or monitoring.

2. Operative or Technical Function

This operative function or technical function is related to activities carried out physically and more technically, including procurement, development, compensation, integration and employee retirement.

This employee procurement includes the employee recruitment and selection process. Employee development can include developing the abilities or  skills  of employees through  training , seminars, and so on.

Creating integration between employees so they can work effectively and cooperatively also creates employee loyalty to the company. Apart from that, through this operational function of personnel administration various forms of remuneration will be taken care of in the form of compensation to old age benefits for employees or retirees.

3. Employee Planning

Employee planning can be interpreted as a process of determining future employee needs based on changes that occur and the existing workforce supply in the company.

Employee planning is an important part and contributor to the strategic planning process, because it helps the organization determine the resources needed, as well as helping determine what can actually be achieved with the resources that are available.

Good employee planning will improve several things such as employee utilization, adjusting employee activities and future needs efficiently, increasing efficiency in recruiting new employees and completing information about personnel that can help personnel activities and other company organizational units.

Through this planning, shortages can be identified compared to needs so that new employee recruitment, promotions and transfers can be carried out proactively so as not to disrupt the company’s organizational activities.

When making a plan, employees need to pay attention to internal and external factors of the company organization. On the other hand, it is also necessary to pay attention to the steps that must be taken as stated by the characters Miller Burack and Maryann.

4. Staff Organizing

Organizing is a step in determining, classifying and arranging various kinds of activities that are deemed necessary, determining a person’s duties and authority, delegating authority to achieve a goal.

Organizing brings all basic resources (human and non-human) into a certain pattern in such a way that the people who work in it can work together powerfully to achieve the goals determined by the company.

One of the results of organizing is the formation of an organizational structure and in that organizational structure you will see the relationship between one unit and other units.

In other words, the organizational structure will greatly influence work flow, delegation of authority and responsibility, control and control systems, as well as the flow of orders and accountability. Therefore, in designing an organizational structure for the personnel department, it is necessary to consider various factors as described.

5. Employee Briefing

There are several theories and beliefs about what motivates employees. Overall, there is no agreement about this motivation. Therefore, it is very difficult for corporate organizations to arrive at policies and approaches that will satisfy all company employees to work well and effectively.

Additionally, for organizations of any size, conducting an in-depth analysis of what motivates each employee is impractical. However, there are practical rules that can be followed to at least help motivate employees and increase employee job satisfaction, including the following.

  1. Explain to employees what is meant by effective performance and also make sure they know what is expected of them for the company.
  2. Ensure that there is a clear relationship between performance and rewards  and  that any such relationship is communicated to employees and company officials.
  3. Ensure that all employees are treated well, fairly, and their performance is assessed objectively.
  4. If possible, develop different types of awards, not everyone can be promoted or some people need to be promoted.
  5. Encourage the best possible enthusiasm in the work environment and also develop a management style that is easy to absorb and can be changed to suit the people and surrounding environment
  6. Develop a performance management system or at least set achievable goals so that you can continue to develop well
  7. Also take into account all existing environmental and social factors, such as the comfort and facilities of the work environment, social interactions between employees, essentially all factors that could be a source of employee dissatisfaction.

6. Employee Control

Supervision as part of control is the process of measuring and assessing the level of employee work effectiveness and the level of efficiency in using work facilities to contribute to achieving company goals.

For every supervisory activity, benchmarks or criteria are needed to measure the level of success in work, which in this performance assessment is referred to as a work standard.

Standard is a standard criterion or model that will be compared with actual results. There are many types of standards that can be used in controlling personnel activities. In controlling personnel units or sections, leaders must be able to find strategic control points that can be monitored based on deviations.

What  is  the Purpose of Personnel Administration?

As explained above, one of the roles of personnel administration is ensuring that employee workload is in accordance with  the role  and needs of the company. So, what is the real purpose of this personnel administration?

The main objective of personnel administration is to balance the number of employees with the company’s needs and to adjust the existing workload to the number of employees available. This is done in order to ensure that the portion or capacity of each employee’s work is in accordance with their respective abilities and workload.

The ultimate goal is that by implementing personnel administration and adjusting the number of employees and workload, employee productivity will increase, work will be carried out appropriately and on time so that the company’s goals or targets can be achieved.

Efficiency, effectiveness and organizational productivity in order to achieve the highest level are the main goals of administration. In order to achieve these administrative goals, the role of human resources and the role of non-human resources are needed.

The objectives of personnel administration are as follows:

  1. In order to strengthen the employee planning and development system and fulfill or recruit according to the level of existing needs.
  2. To develop a personnel information management system.
  3. To improve the quality of apparatus resources in order to increase competence in accordance with the main tasks and functions carried out through education and training, increasing formal education, and improving technical and functional skills of government or company officials
  4. In order to realize the arrangement of employees in accordance with position competencies and job requirements and pay attention to the company’s career pattern
  5. To improve employee development to increase employee accountability and welfare.
  6. In the government sphere, to improve the performance of personnel services in order to increase the capacity of local governments to realize good governance or commonly referred to as  Good Governance .
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What is the Scope of the Personnel Administration System?

We can actually see the scope of the administration system from the personnel administration function itself. Activities included in the personnel administration system of course include managing the human resources of a company.

The scope of this personnel administration system includes:

1. Procurement of Employees

Includes all forms or employee recruitment processes required by the company. Recruitment is of course carried out by considering the needs of the company and the suitability of the position and tasks in the company.

2. Planning and Organizing Employees

Planning and organizing includes elaborating or describing the scope of responsibilities as well as the rights and obligations of the employees themselves. This planning also includes determining employee needs and changes that may occur.

3. Employee Development

Employee development will include activities related to improving  employee skills  . It can also be done with basic training, training, seminars, workshops and others.

4. Direction and Control

Direction and control includes monitoring employee performance as well as directing them to keep them  on track . The goal is to achieve  the goals  or targets that have been set.

5. Employee Welfare Guarantee

The scope of the personnel administration system also includes the welfare of employees. Creating a good work environment, providing compensation up to old age security.