What is Point of Sales? Definition, Benefits, How it Works and Applications

Shopping is one of the activities that cannot be separated from human life. The existence of a point of sale is a support in making payments easier and faster.

To be able to enjoy its convenience, you must understand its function and use. You can get this by listening to the following information!

What is Point of Sales?

Point of sales is a type of service intended for business people to make transactions easier. The benefits are not only for business people, but buyers will also make transactions easier.

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Through POS services, businesses will know that transactions between sellers and buyers have been successful.

Point of sales is also known as an online cash register. However, you can’t equate it with a conventional cashier. Basically, POS is armed with a system that is full of innovation. POS comes with a combination of software and hardware.

So, no wonder the point of sales comes with advanced technology. Its appearance is very appropriate to use in the present. This cash register is one of the payment transaction services that keeps up with the times.

With a point of sale, buying and selling transactions will be easier and more practical. Point of sales has long been found in supermarkets or large malls.

When you shop,  the payment barcode  on the product will be scanned. Next, the price will appear and the cashier will give you the receipt. Such activity is one example of implementing POS.

The calculation of purchased goods is not calculated manually. However, using the system will be easier and faster.

Not only that, the system helps streamline buyers’ time. Now, its use has spread to various other businesses, such as  restaurants , laundries, and coffee shops.

However, along with the development of sophisticated times, POS is present in a more modern way. Unlike the offline POS that can be used with a cash register, this time it is completely digital.

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There are also many businesses that combine the use of POS and  online invoicing software  that can send invoices directly to customers before being paid.

Benefits of Point of Sales

The point of sales system provides very important benefits for a company. Businesses can feel the benefits of point of sales as follows:

1. Facilitate Decision Making

Point of Sales will help you make decisions about the condition of the company. The reason is, every transaction made will be recorded in detail and detail.

This is one of the advantages of the POS system. Any transaction can be closely monitored. This will help you in observing the condition of a business being carried out.

2. Knowing the Availability of a Product

Furthermore, you will also find out product availability more easily and quickly. Each scanned product will be automatically reduced in stock.

In this case, the company can determine which goods should be produced. On the other hand, items that have been stored for too long will also be known.

There is a company division, namely  General Affair  , which is in charge of procuring goods, starting from the submission stage, selecting suppliers, to procuring goods needed by the company.

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3. Presenting Realtime Financial Reports

Another benefit that you can experience is financial reports that are presented in real time. The company’s finances will also be monitored properly.

Through the POS system, you can find out the company’s cash flow. Furthermore, can determine strategies to increase sales.

You can also easily carry out financial operations through  accounting software  that is directly connected to the POS.

4. Increase Customer Satisfaction

Not only business people, customers will also feel the benefits. With easy and fast transactions, customers will feel more satisfied.

The presence of POS is one of the services that will increase customer satisfaction. When customers are satisfied, it will automatically have a good impact on your company.

Increasing customer satisfaction can also be done with  customer service applications. 

5. Able to Change Data Quickly

Software and hardware support allows POS to change data quickly.

Menus and prices can be changed at short notice. You can use this for discounted transactions, and so on.

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How does it work?

As technology becomes increasingly sophisticated, POS can now be used digitally. This is very suitable for today’s popular online shopping.

Point of sales with this digital system will help facilitate payment transactions to sales tracking. Guaranteed to be very useful for the progress of your business.

If an offline POS requires a cash register, then for online POS types, there are applications that can be used.

Armed with the internet and a supporting device, you can also use a modern POS. The way it works is even more satisfying, namely:

  • Automatic transaction processing.
  • Tracking various types of important sales.
  • Sales patterns are shown in detail.
  • Presents price differences or available cash flows.
  • Inventory levels will be monitored efficiently.
  • Presents detailed information regarding daily sales.
  • POS can also be used for managing other business components, such as  inventory  and the like.

Point of Sales Application Recommendations

To be able to enjoy the benefits of a modern point of sales, you need to download several supporting applications.

Now, you can find POS applications easily. The available applications support Android and iOS based devices.

The recommendations for you are:

1. Mokapos

First, there is the  Mokapos application . Types of POS applications that can be used by novice to expert businessmen.

Mokapos provides various features to support customer satisfaction.

You can also use the available features for various company operational activities. You will also find it easier to present reports with the availability of data in the application.

This POS application can be used via mobile. This will make you more flexible in using it.

Not only that, Mokapos allows you to make transactions via certain banks. The process is getting smoother with the help of the EDC machine.

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2. Olsera

Another application that you can try is  Olsera. One of the other POS applications that support devices with Android and iOS OS.

Olsera is widely used by conventional and online retail businesses. Each transaction data will be presented in detail and accurately.

The advantage of the Olsera application is being able to provide payments separately, even though payments are made at the same time. It is perfect for those of you who do gatherings and pay for each one.

3. Pawoon

Also try the  Pawoon application  which allows you to use it for free. This application presents quite complete features. Guaranteed to be very useful for the development of your business.

Pawoon is ready to record various transactions in detail. Apart from that, you can also find out feedback from consumers via the customer relations feature. Through these features, you can innovate products. Furthermore, the products developed will be more satisfying to consumers.

Interestingly, you can apply for credit. This applies to business people who need additional funds as capital to develop their business. This service can be provided because of the coordination between Pawoon and the bank. You can enjoy these services and get capital according to your needs.

So, that’s a review regarding point of sales, from understanding to modern POS. You can use it for businesses that are being explored and integrated with  bookkeeping applications  so that transactions that occur are immediately recorded and can produce complete financial reports.