Political culture can of course be said to be a pattern in the sense of a society that is oriented towards the political sphere, in which in politics there is the administration of the state, the social system of government, laws, norms and customs which are upheld by each individual in society.
But what is certain, based on its own characteristics, this political culture is divided into parochial political culture, subjects, and participant political culture, all of which become a realm in the application of values that are developed and practiced by certain communities in politics.
Political Culture
Political culture can be said to be the meaning of the paradigm and views held by the people in a country which are presented through various forms of attitudes towards ongoing or future political events.
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Definition of Political Culture
The definition of political culture is the psychological dimension in the political system which becomes a unified psychological environment for the implementation of political dynamics and the process of designing and establishing political policies made by the government.
Definition of Political Culture According to Experts
The following is the definition of political culture according to experts, among others;
- Albert Widjaja , Political culture is a political aspect consisting of a system of values, ideas, knowledge, beliefs, and customs. It is this culture that provides rational thinking to reject or accept other values and norms.
- Austin Ranney , The notion of political culture is a view of politics and state government which is a common guide to a political object orientation.
- Alan R. Ball , The definition of political culture is an arrangement consisting of attitudes, emotions, beliefs, and culture of the people related to political systems and issues.
- Miriam Budiardjo , Political culture is the whole of several political views such as orientation towards politics and prevailing norms.
- Rusdi Su Mintapura , Political culture is a pattern of individual behavior that exists in society and is oriented towards political dynamics.
- Gabriel A. Almond and Sidney Verba , Political culture is an individual’s attitude regarding the political system and the individual’s role in the political system.
- Moctar Massoed , Political culture, namely the attitudes and views of society regarding state government and politics.
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Characteristics of Political Culture
Political culture has inherent characteristics, including;
- The existence of legitimacy is always related to the political culture itself.
- Take part in the preparation of government policies.
- Regulate the running of the state government.
- Affiliated with the activities of political parties.
- Regulating the behavior of legal institutions.
- There is often turmoil in society related to attitudes towards the government.
Political Culture Oriented Objects
The object of political culture orientation includes a group of people who are directly or indirectly involved in politics. The involvement covers the following matters:
- The political system as a whole. This includes political knowledge, intensity, which is marked by an appreciation of history, power, political system, and the constitution that applies in the state administration.
- Input process. That includes the intensity and behavior related to the political process as a whole towards all demands put forward by organizations in society.
- output process. Includes the intensity of knowledge and the process of activities related to government. This is also related to the application and implementation of authoritative decisions and policies.
- The mindset and perspective of society. This is assessed from several aspects such as the public’s knowledge of politics broadly and narrowly, then the community’s attachment to and involvement in politics, as well as the community’s evaluation of current political events.
Meanwhile, according to Parson and Shils, the orientation of political culture contains three object components, namely as follows:
- Affective orientation , namely orientation in the form of knowledge about people’s beliefs related to politics.
- Cognitive orientation , orientation in the form of feelings towards politics, roles, political actors and various systems in it.
- Evaluative orientation , orientation that focuses on decisions and opinions related to political objects that specifically emphasize value standards.
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Types of Political Culture
The type of political culture is divided into several types, including the following:
Kawula Political Culture
Kawula political culture is a culture in which there are people who are more advanced economically and socially. Even though in practice, people are relatively passive in political activities, most people understand the political system and obey the rules set by the government.
Kawula’s political culture has the following characteristics:
- Society is passive towards political problems.
- People easily accept decisions that have been made by the government.
- Society is aware of government authority.
- The public understands and pays attention to the political system, both specific and general in nature, but awareness as a political actor is still low.
Just an example
- Urban communities often provide input to the government through social networks.
- The community is aware of the problems that occur in government, but does not take a real stance and prefers to comment only.
- Choosing abstentions during general elections.
- People who give up all their trust in the government, even though the policies that will be made later are not entirely in favor.
2. Parochial Political Culture
The definition of parochial political culture is a political culture in which the level of political participation of the people is still very low. Political culture like this is often found in traditional societies.
The parochial political culture has the following characteristics:
- Has a narrow scope.
- The people are apathetic.
- Knowledge of politics is very low.
- Tend not to care and withdraw from political issues.
- There is a feeling of reluctance to interfere with politics.
- Low awareness regarding the role and political authority in the government system.
For example
- People who do not participate in general elections.
- Does not comply with the rules set by the government.
- Do not take a stand when the rules set are not in accordance with the circumstances.
- Always blame the government when things go wrong.
- Does not follow developments in government performance in reporting or in small discussions.
- Participant Political Culture
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3. Participant Political Culture
Participant political culture is a culture where people have a high level of political awareness. In the political culture of the participants, the community plays an active role in political activities.
The political culture of the participants has the following characteristics:
- The community plays an active role in organizing political activities.
- Awareness of rights and obligations is very high.
- Plays a role in formulating and correcting policies implemented by the government.
- The role of politics in people’s lives is considered as a means of transaction.
- Public awareness as citizens who are obliged to play a role in politics.
For example
- People who are members of political parties with the aim that all aspirations and contributions as citizens can be conveyed in a slim way to the government.
- Communities holding demonstrations related to the formulation of laws that limit the delivery of criticism of the government’s performance.
- Participate in the presidential election and other general elections on a regular basis according to the time set by the election administration body.
- Opening a small discussion related to government performance in a coffee shop.
- Appreciate government performance by complying with the regulations that have been established by the government.
Thus the explanation of the meaning of political culture according to experts, characteristics, types, and examples. Hopefully through writing this article, it can add insight and a source of inspiration for all readers, especially those who need the material.