What is Protein? Definition, Function, Types and Examples of Food

Since childhood we have been taught about the importance of protein for growth and health in the body. Apart from all that, do you know the meaning of protein and the functions it provides to the human body?

Simply put,  protein is a macronutrient. Apart from that, the human body will need three types of macronutrients in quite large quantities. Not only protein, but the human body also needs other macronutrients such as fat and carbohydrates.

Proteins are also divided into two types, namely complete proteins and incomplete proteins. Complete protein contains 20 amino acids. Meanwhile, incomplete proteins do not have 20 amino content.

So, does  Mudalovers  know about the types of proteins and their functions? To find out about this, let’s look at the explanation of protein below.

Understanding Proteins

The first thing we will discuss together is the meaning of protein. Protein itself is one of three types of macronutrients that are needed by the human body. Proteins consist of several chemical elements, starting from carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and also hydrogen (N).

Apart from these chemical elements, sometimes proteins also contain other elements such as phosphorus and sulfur.

If we look at the Nutritional Adequacy Rate or AKG table, ages 17 to 60 years old are still advised to consume protein at a dose of 62 to 66 grams per day for men and for women only around 56 to 59 grams per day.

However, it is also important to know that the need for daily protein intake will also be adjusted to each person’s body needs. It all depends on age, activity density and level of metabolic stress.

From this explanation, we can know that the presence of protein is very necessary for the human body. Protein is also able to help repair damaged cell tissue so that it can work more optimally again. Apart from that, protein is also one of the nutrients that can be found in the human body, from hair, muscles, bones to skin. In fact, 20 percent of the human body is formed from protein.

Proteins are formed from building blocks that many of us know as amino acids. There are about 20 types of amino acids and nine of them are essential amino acids. Meanwhile, the rest are non-essential amino acids.

Non-essential amino acids can be produced independently by the human body. Meanwhile, essential amino acids require other sources so that the body continuously gets essential amino acid intake. Amino acids themselves consist of several important things such as.

  1. Isoleucine
  2. Lysine
  3. Methionine
  4. Threonine
  5. Valina
  6. Histidine
  7. Leucine
  8. Phenylalanine
  9. Tryptophan

In order to get the 9 types of amino acids above, you can do this by consuming foods rich in protein, whether from animal or vegetable sources.

Types of Proteins and Their Functions

After knowing what protein is, we also have to know more about the types of protein. Protein is a nutrient needed by the body and is divided into several types.

Each type of protein has a different function. Therefore, we need to know more about the types of protein.

Here are several types of protein which you can read in full below.

1. Enzyme Protein

Human cells are something so complex in which thousands of chemical reactions occur. Apart from that, there are also enzymes that will carry out many chemical reactions in human cells. This enzyme will carry the genetic information contained in DNA and will ultimately be formed into a new molecule.

Enzyme proteins function as forming enzymes or substances to support chemical reaction processes in the human body. For example, enzyme proteins can produce enzymes to convert fats, proteins and carbohydrates into simpler forms. This will also make it easier to absorb.

2. Structural Proteins

Structural proteins have quite different functions from the types of proteins previously described. This type of protein will help the body’s contraction process and also maintain the structure at the cellular level. Structural proteins will also provide support and structure to human cells.

An example of a structural protein is collagen protein which is also the main component of human skin, tendons and cartilage.

Apart from that, there is still keratin protein which has the function of forming several important structures in parts of the body. Starting from nails, hair to skin. On a large scale, structural proteins also help the body to move.

3. Protein Hormone

Next, there are hormone proteins which are responsible for regulating the functions and actions of hormones in the human body. Hormones themselves are secretions that have a role as chemical messengers. Where the chemical message will later be carried through the blood.

Each hormone will also have an influence on certain cells with the aim of providing coordination of metabolic processes that occur in the human body. For example, the pancreas organ can create the hormone insulin to help regulate sugar levels in the human body.

4. Antibody Protein

Antibody proteins are also commonly referred to as defensive proteins. This type of antibody protein has the function of binding to foreign particles such as bacteria and viruses. Then antibody proteins are useful for protecting the body. Where later the antibody protein will become a component that can form antibodies in the human body.

Thrombin and fibrinogen are two examples of antibody proteins which have the function of clotting blood, accelerating wound healing and preventing blood loss caused by injury.

It would be good if you give protein when you are a child so that you can get good growth and development. However, some parents may still be confused about determining the right protein for babies and toddlers.

5. Protein Transport

Next there is a transport protein which has a function as a reader. This type of protein will be able to bind and also carry small molecules and atoms to all parts of the body. An example is hemoglobin which has the function of binding oxygen.

Not only does it bind oxygen, but hemoglobin can also carry and deliver oxygen to every part of the body that needs it. Another example of a transport protein is lipoprotein which functions to help transport fat or lipids in the human body.

6. Binding Proteins

Then, there are also binding proteins which have a special function as storage of metal ions and also amino acids needed by the human body.

Another function of protein itself is to store food reserves. Where later this type of protein will provide energy when needed by the human body.

There are several types of binding proteins, one of which is ferritin protein. Ferritin protein has the ability to store and also control iron levels in the human body.

Iron itself is an ion needed by the body to form hemoglobin which is a component of red blood cells.

7. Activator Proteins

Finally, there are motor proteins which can help regulate movement in the body’s muscles. This type of protein can help regulate the speed and strength of movement of the heart and muscles when they contract. Motor proteins can be involved in the movement of nutrients within human body cells.

Apart from that, motor proteins also have other functions to help the process of cell division, genetic formation and muscle coordination. Examples of motor proteins are actin and myosin which can produce relaxation and also muscle contractions that occur when straightening and bending the knee.

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Function of Protein in the Human Body

As previously explained, protein is very important in the human body. The reason is that there are several benefits provided by protein to the human body. So, what are the benefits of protein in the human body? Read more below.

1. Helps build and repair tissue in the human body

Did you know that protein has an important role in the process of repairing damaged human body cells. Protein also has other functions to maintain cells throughout the human body so that they can function more optimally.

Usually the amount of protein needed for the process of repairing and building cells in the body will be in a stable condition every day.

2. Helps form hormones and enzymes

Cells that contain enzymes will function to cause biochemical reactions in the human body. Where these enzymes will carry out reactions when muscle contraction occurs, food digestion and also the destruction of toxins.

This enzyme can be formed because of the support of protein. Apart from that, protein also has a function as a hormone maker in the human body.

Hormones themselves have the function of sending signals and regulating biological processes between several important components of the body such as cells, organs and tissues.

3. Energy Source

Not only carbohydrates and fats, but protein is also a source of energy that is needed by the human body. Fat can provide an energy supply of around 9 calories per gram. Then, carbohydrates can provide a supply of 4 calories per gram.

In order to get energy, the body will rely on the presence of fat and carbohydrates. Meanwhile, protein will be stored in reserve form and will be used when the body really needs it.

An example is when you are fasting and do not get food intake for a certain period of time. In this case, protein has an important function to produce energy in the human body.

4. Form antibodies

The next function of the protein is to help form immunoglobulins or antibodies. Antibodies have an important role in protecting the body from various types of viral and bacterial attacks.

When the body is able to produce antibodies that are used to provide protection against attacks from viruses or bacteria, immune cells can still produce antibodies to provide resistance.

So, when the same virus or bacteria attacks the human body again, the body will have the ability to fight it more quickly.

Apart from providing the four functions above, protein also has a role in balancing the pH and the amount of fluid in the blood, storing nutritional reserves and being a medium for chemical compounds to pass through the bloodstream.

So, when you experience difficulties in meeting your daily protein intake needs due to certain medical problems such as allergies, it would be a good idea if you consult a doctor or nutritionist. That way, you will still get protein intake without any obstacles even under certain conditions.

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Types of Food With Protein Content

As previously explained, protein cannot only be produced by the human body independently. There are several types of protein that can be obtained from consuming food. In this world there are several types of food that are rich in protein.

So that you can better understand what types of food contain protein, the explanation below can help.

1. Lean Meat

Lean beef such as that found in the outer has or sirloin and also in the flank of the cow or gandik usually contains a small amount of fat. Even though the fat content is small, the protein content is much higher, you know.

Not only protein, but also other nutrients such as Vitamin B and iron which have an important role in preventing anemia and can also form healthier cells and body tissues.

2. Chicken

Chicken meat is a type of food that has quite a high protein content. Not only does it have a delicious taste, but chicken meat can also be processed into various types of dishes. Even chicken meat has a more affordable price compared to beef.

Apart from that, chicken meat also contains selenium, choline and Vitamin B. It will be even healthier if you choose chicken meat without skin and without fat. This is none other than because the chicken skin contains quite high cholesterol.

3. Fish and Seafood

Fish is a type of food choice that is very good at fulfilling protein intake in the human body. Various types of fish, both seawater and freshwater fish, are known to be rich in Omega 3 and protein.

For example, 20 grams of salmon contains an average of 100 grams of protein. Apart from that, salmon and other seafood such as shrimp, octopus and squid are believed to have a large protein content and are very good for the health of the human body.

However, you also have to be careful because some types of fish may contain mercury. Therefore, it would be better if you were more careful in choosing and buying fish or other types of seafood.

4. Eggs

For a long time, eggs have been known as a food that has a fairly high protein content. Not only protein, eggs are also rich in other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fats.

Due to its nutritional content, eggs are often consumed as food to maintain weight, speed up the healing process and maintain heart health.

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5. Dairy Products

Milk, cheese and yoghurt are types of dairy foods that are rich in protein, calcium and also Vitamin D.

In order to maximize your body’s protein intake while on a diet, you can choose low-fat dairy products. For example, one glass of low-fat milk usually contains 11 grams of protein and 2.5 grams of fat.

These are several types of food that are rich in protein and you can consume them. So, of the several types of protein foods above, which one do you like the most?

That’s the discussion about the meaning of protein and examples, hopefully all the discussion above is useful for you. If you want to look for articles about protein, you can get them at Mubicara.com.

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