What is Social Group Dynamics? Definition, characteristics, types, factors, aspects, and examples

The dynamics of social groups is one of the important materials in the object of sociological study. The review of dynamics in the sense of social groups is carried out because human life always runs dynamically, so that social processes and social interactions that occur in life are sometimes not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, there are various examples of social problems that occur.

This at least shows that the dynamics of social groups in people’s lives will always be realized, both for democratic societies, multicultural societies, or modern and traditional societies.

Social Group Dynamics

Social group dynamics can be said to be an examination of the factors that lead to social group relations on the basis of behavior or actions within the social group through a dynamic interaction with a supportive social situation.

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So that studies related to the dynamics of social groups are closely related to the formation of social structures in groups, social norms, feelings of mutual belonging, and the internalization of each embodiment of norms that exist in the social environment.

Definition of Social Group Dynamics

Social group dynamics is a series of life problems experienced by individuals and groups who want to carry out a form of social mobilization quickly so as to change the social order that has been running for a long time in society.

Definition of Social Group Dynamics According to Experts

The definition of social group dynamics according to experts, among others;

1. Soerjono Soekanto

The notion that social dynamics is social change in a society that is experiencing problems. Problems can be carried out individually or in groups, but what is certain is that with social dynamics, social order in society does not work as it should.

2. Shertzer and Stone

The meaning of social group dynamics is an action taken by someone on the basis of achieving goals without understanding the substance of the needs they will have. As a result, this situation forced him to justify any means.

3. Slamet Sentosa

Social group dynamics is a relationship that exists between social groups in the community environment on a regular basis and has a clear psychological relationship between individuals with one another.

The meaning or meaning of this psychological relationship is the relationship that exists between social groups so deeply that they can feel various situations that are experienced together.

3. Floyd D.Ruch

Social group dynamics is an analysis of the relationships or relationships that occur in social groups regarding the actions or behavior patterns of each individual in a social situation.

4. Sprott

The definition of social group dynamics is an analysis of the relationships that occur between members of social groups within a community environment.

5. Robert F. Bales

Social group dynamics is a psychological process that is intertwined in relationships between individuals and can affect the group.

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Characteristics of Social Group Dynamics

While the dynamic characteristics that stand out in social groups. Among others;

  1. The occurrence of social phenomena that lead to division
  2. The arrangement of changes in the social structure in society from before and after the dynamics occurred
  3. Formation of new social changes
  4. Against social rules and values ​​in society

Types of Social Group Dynamics

As for the forms of dynamics that exist in social groups, among others;

1. Small dynamics

 Small dynamics, both small changes that exist in society and affect a social group.

2. Big Dynamics

Big Dynamics is the dynamics that occur in social groups of progress changes (forward) or regress changes (backwards) due to the process of social mobility

Social Group Dynamics Factors

Factors that occur in the dynamics of this social group, are divided into two forms. Namely;


Preventing social group dynamics, among others;

  1. Isolation ensued
  2. There is a desire to maintain the situation
  3. There are binding traditions

Among others;

  1. There is a desire of group members to make changes
  2. There was a change in group members
  3. There was a conflict between group members
  4. There was a change in the social environment
  5. There was modernization
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Aspects of Social Groups

Aspects that become the background of the existence of social groups in society, greatly influence the pattern of social interaction and social order that is created. The form is as follows;

1. Adaptation

Adaptation in social groups is needed to adjust the group to the development of the times which are currently unlimited. And Adaptation is the ability of society or a person to adjust himself to the social environment that is formed.

2. Achievement of objectives

Social groups that seek to achieve certain goals will experience changes and developments in society. Achievement of goals in this social group is carried out on a voluntary basis between members of the community, which was previously carried out with the existence of certain agreements.

3. Integration

Integration in social groups signifies efforts to remain united in groups to support and realize the goals you dream of. The aspects contained in this social group are important to do as an effort to create balance and security in life.

4. Maintenance and Expansion Patterns

Social groups that carry out changes make maintenance patterns so that disintegration does not occur. Social groups also expand by accepting new members and introducing these members to elements of the group’s culture.

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Example of Social Group Dynamics

As for examples that can be taken in the dynamics of social groups, for example;

1. Indonesia

In everyday life, especially the people of Indonesia who give a lot of views to the people in Papua with typical hard and left behind. Hard in the sense of association and manner of speaking.

Conditions like this are part of the dynamics in social groups. Even though it is not certain that people from Papua are left behind and their speech is tough. This view actually needs to be reminded as a form of national integration and also a form of discrimination against certain groups.

2. Religion

Another example, in terms of religion. Some groups see that the existence of the NU Organization (Nahdalutul Ulama) is an organization that buys other religions rather than defending their own religion, there are even a number of views and sayings that ” Banom NU (Banom NU) guards the Church more than Guards the Mosque “.

Views like this can also be said to be detrimental to social group dynamics and can erode social integration in social life.

Such is the elaboration of  the notion of social group dynamics  according to experts, their characteristics, types, factors, aspects, and examples. Hopefully with this explanation and discussion can provide insight and also provide in-depth knowledge.