Characteristics of Sociology – Sociology is a social science, which contains about human social life. Humans as social beings, of course, cannot be separated from the so-called sociology. The definition of sociology itself according to language is a science about the nature, behavior and development of society.
Not only that, sociology also includes various sciences about social structures and processes and their changes. For those of you who want to understand more about sociology, then you can see this article.
In this article, we will discuss more about the definition, characteristics, and functions of sociology. So, keep reading this article until it’s finished, okay?
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Definition of Sociology
Until now, there have been many sociologists who expressed their opinions about the meaning of sociology. One of them is the sociologist from Russia, Pitirim Alexandrovich Sorokin. According to him, sociology is a science that studies relationships, and their relation to various social phenomena.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), sociology is knowledge or science about the nature, behavior and development of society, or the science of social structure, social processes and changes.
Definition of Sociology According to Experts
In addition, there are several experts who express the meaning of sociology. Here are some definitions of sociology according to experts.
1. Sorokin
Sorokin also has views on sociological theory, in which there are three important theories in sociology including social differentiation, social stratification and social conflict.
2. Maximilian Carl Emil Weber
The next notion of sociology then came from Maximilian Carl Emil Weber, or better known as Max Weber. Sociology according to Max Weber is a science that seeks interpretive understanding of an action or social action, to obtain a causal or causal explanation.
3. David Emile Durkheim
Meanwhile, the sociologist from France, David Emile Durkheim has his own definition of sociology. He assumed that sociology is a science that aims to understand social structure.
Durkheim, along with Max Weber and Karl Marx are considered to be the ones who provided an academic understanding of sociology.
After understanding the notion of sociology from some of the experts above, it can be understood that the object of study of sociology is the human being himself or the role of the human being as a social being.
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Characteristics of Sociology
After discussing the meaning of sociology, in order to understand more about sociology, you need to know the characteristics of sociology as well. Here are the characteristics of sociology that you need to know.
1. Sociology is cumulative
The first characteristic of Sociology is that Sociology is cumulative, meaning that this sociology is compiled on the basis of existing theory, then it is improved and expanded to strengthen previous theories. In other words, sociological theory can always be examined and critically examined by those who understand it or are objective
2. Sociology is non-ethical
Sociology is non-ethical, meaning that the discussion of problems in sociology does not debate about good or bad. However, it focuses more on an in-depth explanation of how a problem can then occur in the social environment.
3. Sociology is empirical
This sociology is empirical, meaning that sociological attitudes will be based on observation and common sense, the results of which are not speculative. Sociology is also a real science which is based on logical facts, not based on imagination or fantasy.
4. Sociology is theoretical
Sociology is theoretical, meaning that the knowledge compiled will then be based on more accurate data and observations. This theoretical feature emphasizes the causal relationship of social phenomena in society. Theoretical sociology will then emphasize the abstract arrangement which is the framework of the arrangement of various logical elements.
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Sociology Example
In essence, all aspects of human life as members of society can of course become a field of application of sociological knowledge. Therefore, having knowledge of sociology will be very important for anyone.
Knowledge of this understanding of sociology will help and facilitate everyone in carrying out their role in society with the provision of broad insights. To better understand the study of sociology in everyday life, below are some examples of sociological studies that you need to know:
1. Poverty
To reduce people from poverty, various concrete efforts are also needed, and so that the efforts made are not misguided or misdirected, adequate knowledge is needed regarding the problems of poverty being faced. This poverty itself is caused by crop failure, unstable economic conditions, and so on.
2. Crime
Crime is a form of sociological study in everyday life. Crime then becomes one of the things that is quite rife in people’s lives. This itself is influenced by social changes in a society.
The more rapid social change in a society, the higher the crime rate. The crime rate in traditional societies is relatively stable. Meanwhile, in modern industrial society, which is changing rapidly, crime rates are getting higher, especially in big cities.
3. Unemployment
Unemployment that occurs in people’s lives is a form of sociological study. Unemployment is also included in the problem of social processes that result in social inequality. Unemployment itself occurs due to various factors or many things. One example that causes unemployment is the minimum level of job vacancies that exist.
4. Divorce
Divorce is the ending of a marriage. Divorce is also included in sociological studies in everyday life. This divorce itself occurs because of disharmony that occurs in a family, which then results in making a decision to separate.
5. War
War is a real manifestation of an open conflict between two or more societies. If the conflict does not find another way to solve it, then war is the solution.
War is also a form of sociological study in everyday life. With the more advanced society, the more sophisticated the technology of war. Therefore, the impact arising from the war will be even greater.
6. Violation of Norms
Violation of norms in society then becomes something that can no longer be denied. In the study of sociology, norms are also a matter that is often discussed in regulating the behavior of individual people. These societal norms regulate everyone’s behavior so as not to harm themselves or other parties. Each of these norms or regulations is based on certain social values which are then upheld by the community.
7. Theft
Theft is one that is studied in the realm of sociology. Theft is an illegal act. This theft itself occurs because an individual has negative thoughts, difficulties in meeting the necessities of life and the occurrence of a gap for social phenomena in his life. This then results in people doing reckless things by stealing or taking other people’s belongings on purpose.
8. Child Delinquency
Children from all groups or social classes have the potential to have naughty behavior. Economic needs that are not met then become the cause of delinquency in children from the lower social class, while the lack of affection and attention from parents is the cause of delinquency in children from the upper socio-economic class.
9. Student Fights
Student fights also become a form of action where they try to get rid of the opponent by committing acts of violence. Fights that occur between students often occur because of problems between students. This of course will result in a social problem because it will also cause unrest for the community.
10. Speeding on the street
Speeding on the road is also a form of sociological study. Speeding on this road has become something that is no longer foreign to the ears of the public. Often times, in everyday life, we see this. In fact, speeding is also often done by children who are still underage. This of course will cause various unrest in society.
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Sociological Functions
Sociology itself has several functions. Some of the functions of sociology include:
1. Research
The first function of sociology is research. With research, it is hoped that it will help to obtain a plan for solving social problems properly.
2. Development
Apart from research, the next function of sociology is development. Sociology also functions to provide social data which is then needed at the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages in a development.
Then, there are things that must be considered in each of these stages. At the planning stage, you must pay attention to social needs. At the implementation stage, the social strength of the community and the process of social change must also be considered.
3. Social Planning
As mentioned in the previous point, one of the functions of sociology is social planning. Social planning itself, is an effort to prepare a social future in society. The purpose of social planning is to overcome the emergence of various problems that exist and occur in society.
4. Solving Social Problems
The last function of sociology is solving social problems. Humans as social beings certainly cannot be separated from social problems. Solving this social problem includes both preventive and repressive methods. Preventive method means preparing various methods or means of prevention before a problem occurs.
Meanwhile, the repressive method means an action taken after deviations or social problems have occurred.
Thus the discussion of the meaning to the characteristics of sociology. Hopefully all the discussion above is useful and can add to your insight.