What is SOP: Definition, Purpose and Function

Each agency or company certainly has its own SOP. SOP is an important aspect that ensures everything runs as it should.

With the SOP, it is expected to minimize the occurrence of errors. In addition, it also increases productivity, because the company’s operations are coordinated.

So, what is meant by SOP?

For more details, you can pay attention to the summary regarding the meaning of SOP and its examples, as well as the following objectives and functions.

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Definition of SOP

Standard operating procedure SOP

SOP stands for Standard Operating Procedure. If translated into Indonesian, that is standard operating procedures.

SOP can be defined as a series of procedures owned by agencies or companies.

Where it is used as a guide to achieve the desired results.

Following are some opinions from experts regarding the definition or meaning of this SOP.

1. Moekijat

According to Moekijat, SOP is a sequence of procedures or steps in carrying out an activity. Including the place as well as the time of implementation and who is running it.

2. Sailendra

Slightly different, Sailendra defines SOP as a guideline for the company’s operational activities, which aims to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

3. Human

While Human is of the opinion that SOP is a document that is standard in nature as well as official, and contains various kinds of instructions.

These instructions relate to a series of administrative implementation of the organization and the company.

Specifically, the contents explain the method of implementation, place and time of implementation, along with the subject who implements it.

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From the various definitions above, we can conclude that SOPs are made or compiled to regulate procedures for activities, especially related to company operations.

That way it is hoped that everything will go according to the provisions, minimal errors and can run smoothly according to expectations and goals.

The examples are procedures or rules for using office uniforms, procedures for using the internet network and computer equipment in schools and many others.

In essence, SOP is an implementation guide for all human resources involved in the operations of an organization, agency or company.

Purpose of Making SOPs in Companies

Making SOPs in every organization or company is an important thing that should not be missed.

That’s because, there are many goals that can be achieved with the SOP. The objectives of the SOP are as follows:

1. Helping Employees Understand Regulations and Their Duties in the Office

With SOPs, employees or workforce can have a more thorough understanding of the rules, as well as their duties and procedures for implementing them.

This will have a positive impact in the form of maximum work performance, as well as smooth operations.

2. Facilitating the Adaptation Process for New Employees

SOPs, which serve as guidelines for all company activities, make it easier for new employees to contribute as they should.

Not only understand the regulations that apply, but also what are the rights, obligations and authority of their position.

That way, even though they are in a new work environment they will more easily adapt and follow the system imposed by the company.

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3. Facilitate the Achievement of Company Targets

Every company certainly has targets that must be achieved or realized. The process to achieve the target certainly involves all human resources in each existing division.

Everyone involved will be able to give their maximum contribution when carrying out their obligations according to the guidelines contained in the company’s SOP.

The process of achieving company targets will be easier to realize.

4. Minimizing Errors

Furthermore, the purpose of having an SOP is to minimize errors in each employee activity or activity.

Both in carrying out their duties, utilizing existing facilities, and in behaving when in the work environment.

When every employee understands the existing SOP, of course they are less likely to make mistakes because they don’t want to break the rules.

For example, when a company is doing stock taking in a warehouse using the goods inventory application. If there is no SOP on how to do stock taking and record it in the inventory application, an error will occur which will make the company have to do it more than once.

The function of SOP in an organization or company

After discussing the acronym, definition or meaning, and purpose of SOP, you also need to understand what its function is.

There are several functions of the SOP that are beneficial to your business. Some of these functions include:

1. Become the Legal Basis

The first function is to become the basis for the rules or laws that are enforced.

Where the contents regulate the rights and obligations of all parties under its auspices.

With this legal basis, it will be easier to identify any problems or errors that occur.

For those who commit violations, they will receive punishment according to the provisions described in the company’s SOP.

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2. Become a Reference for Employee Performance

The second function of SOP is to maintain employee performance.

With the SOP, it is hoped that employees will be able to maintain work discipline and give their best performance.

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3. Providing Detailed Information Regarding Work

In its implementation, SOP apart from being a legal basis also functions to provide information regarding all work-related activities.

You are not only given an understanding of the implementation procedure, but also various factors that can influence the process.

Call it like work accidents, natural disasters, maternity leave, marriage leave too when you are experiencing a disaster because a family member has died.

The SOP explains everything in detail, so that all parties involved can understand.

4. As a Final Work Implementation Guideline , the function of SOP is as a guide in carrying out work or obligations.

Within a large-scale company, of course, it consists of several divisions.

In carrying out their different duties and obligations, they need guidelines so that mistakes do not occur.

This is where the SOP performs its function. Everyone will be given implementation guidelines, starting from procedures, how to use existing ERP applications, to the time and place of implementation.

That way employees will find it easier to get the job done. The results of their work will also minimize the risk of errors.

The positive impact is that what is the target or goal of the company will also be easier to realize.

Because the employees carry out their duties properly and also according to the provisions.

Principles of Making SOPs

As explained above, we can see how important SOPs are in an organization or company.

Therefore, in making SOPs you cannot be careless. Must pay attention to several SOP principles such as:

Easily understood by all parties related to the SOP.

Effective and efficient.

Provide legal certainty for every violation.

Clear and aligned.

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Provide detailed information that is in line with the vision, mission, human resources employed, and company goals

Clearly measurable, so that it can be used as evaluation material and can be revised when deemed irrelevant

Dynamic, because as the company develops it will require a lot of adjustments including procedural issues also the rules of SOP

Principles are a reference in making SOPs that are right on target. Therefore, don’t let a single point be missed.

From the explanation above, we can understand that SOP is a guideline for the implementation of work operations, which ensures that everything runs smoothly.

So, SOP is one of the important things that must be owned by organizations and companies. So that operations run smoothly and achieve the desired target.