The human body consists of various types of organs. One of them is the large intestine which is certainly familiar to all of us. Even so, what exactly is the large intestine organ? So, to make it easier to find out everything related to the large intestine, you can really read the review about the large intestine in this article.
The large intestine itself is a series of organs that starts from the mouth and ends at the anus, the opening of the rectum. From this explanation alone, we can know that the function of the large intestine has a very important role in the human body, especially in the digestive system.
The food we consume every day passes through the mouth through the esophagus, into the stomach and into the small intestine. In the end, the presence of these organs will help break food into pieces until it is absorbed by the body and ultimately used for energy.
When the food we consume is in the large intestine, most of the digestive process will have been completed.
The explanation regarding the large intestine organ does not end there. There are still many other interesting things we can learn together about this organ. Come on, read the explanation about the large intestine organ below.
Understanding the Large Intestine
Previously we explained about the large intestine. However, at this point we will discuss in more depth the meaning of the large intestine. The large intestine is an organ in the digestive system. The presence of the large intestine will surround the entire pelvic cavity to form an inverted U around the folded area of the small intestine.
The channel in the large intestine will start from the lower right side of the body and end on the lower left side. Then the length of the large intestine is around 5 to 6 meters. Meanwhile, the large intestine consists of several important parts such as the cecum, colon and rectum.
The cecum itself is a pouch at the beginning of the large intestine. Where the function of the cecum itself is to channel the results of digestion of food that has been absorbed from the small intestine to the large intestine.
Then, the colon itself is a part that extends from the cecum to the rectum and its presence will absorb salt and fluids. The lower part will consist of four main layers, namely mucosa, submucosa, muscularis propria and serosa. Where each layer of the large intestine has a different function.
The mucosa is the innermost layer of the colon. The mucosa will consist of columnar epithelial tissue which makes the surface feel smooth. Where later the mucosa will be able to produce mucus which functions to facilitate the passage of remaining food digestion along the large intestine organ.
The submucosal part will consist of blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. Where these parts will later connect the mucosa with other layers of the colon. The submucosal layer is also covered by a layer called the muscularis propria.
The muscularis propria is a part consisting of visceral muscles that contract to move the digestive system for food in the body. These contractions are what many people know as peristaltic movements.
The serosa will carry out the process of producing lubricating fluid in the large intestine. Where this fluid will protect the organ from damage caused by contact with other parts of the digestive organs.
Function of the Large Intestine Organ
Like other body organs, the large intestine also has its own function. The function of the large intestine in general is an organ that works to absorb remaining fluid that has not been completely digested from the small intestine. Not only that, the large intestine organ can also be a place where digestive waste that has been used by the body flows to the rectum to be excreted in the form of feces.
The other functions of the large intestine that you can read about are as follows.
Place to Absorb Vitamins
The first function of the large intestine is as a place for absorption of vitamins which are formed from the activity of good bacteria. The presence of these good bacteria is in the colon. About 700 species of large intestines that live in the colon can help maintain body health.
Meanwhile, the function of these good bacteria is to help break down polysaccharides which have not been digested by fatty acids and are easily absorbed by the large intestine. Where the fermentation of polysaccharides that have not been exposed will later produce nitrogen gas, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and methane which are released by the body as flatus or fart.
Apart from the good bacteria in the large intestine, it is also able to produce Vitamin K and biotin. When the need for vitamins in the body begins to decrease. So, the production of vitamins produced by these bacteria will be very useful in helping maintain body health.
Absorb Water
The next function of the large intestine is as a place for water absorption. Most of the processes of food digestion and nutrient absorption are completed in the small intestine. However, the presence of the large intestine organ will help perfect the digestive process by absorbing water. Due to this, denser waste material from digestion of food begins to form to be excreted from the human body as feces.
Lowering Acidity Levels
Another function of the large intestine is to reduce acidity levels and balance pH. The mocusa located on the surface of the large intestine will be able to excrete bicarbonate substances. Where this substance will have the function of neutralizing acids that have been synthesized by fatty acids and other digestive substances that originate from the small intestine.
Protects the Body from Infection
The mucosal layer in the large intestine also has a role in protecting the body from attacks by microbial infections. Intestinal infection or enterocolitis is inflammation that can occur in the small intestine or large intestine. Diarrhea and vomiting are the most common symptoms experienced by those who experience this condition.
Producing Antibodies
The next function of the large intestine is to produce antibodies. This is none other than because the lymphoid tissue in the large intestine will help the process of producing antibodies and the presence of cross-reacting antibodies.
In general, antibodies can be created in the immune system to maintain the number of good bacteria in normal conditions. These antibodies will be created from the large intestine which turns out to be able to fight infections from bad bacteria so that there is no infectious condition.
Compacts Feces
The large intestine also has the function of compacting feces. This compaction of feces is also very important for the feces disposal process to run more smoothly. When stool solidification does not occur, there will be diarrhea and there is a risk of dehydration.
Internal Diseases of the Colon
The large intestine is one of the organs in the digestive system. Of course, we also know that the existence of the large intestine is very necessary. It is mandatory for us to continue to maintain the health of the digestive system, including the large intestine.
Even so, it is not uncommon for several diseases to also attack the digestive system. Well, below are several diseases that occur in the large intestine.
Diarrhea is usually characterized by more frequent bowel movements with more watery stools. In general, diarrhea can occur due to consumption of unhygienic food or drinks or exposure to viruses, bacteria and parasites.
Not only that, diarrhea can also occur due to intolerance to certain foods, side effects of medications and even food malabsorption.
Colon Bleeding
Colon bleeding is also a type of lower digestive disorder. This condition is generally characterized by the presence of fresh red blood in the anus or blood mixed with feces. Some diseases that cause colon bleeding include inflammation of the intestine, colon cancer, diverticulitis and hemorrhoids.
Colon Cancer
Colon cancer can occur due to changes or gene mutations in the colon tissue area. However, the cause of the gene mutation itself is still not known with certainty. There are several factors that are thought to cause colon cancer, including an unhealthy diet, consuming too much red meat and fat and high blood sugar levels.
Although colon cancer is a type of disease that occurs in the digestive system. However, not everyone can recognize the symptoms of cancer early on.
Colon Polyps
Colon populace is a small lump that grows on the inside of the large intestine. In general, these lumps are not dangerous, but some types of polyps in the colon can develop into colon cancer.
There are several factors that increase the risk of developing colon polyps, such as smoking, people who are overweight and have a history of family members who have suffered from a similar disease.
Colitis is inflammation of the large intestine which can occur due to an autoimmune infection. Symptoms of this condition can appear depending on the amount of colitis suffered. However, the typical symptoms suffered by colitis sufferers are usually bloody diarrhea, fever and chills.
Crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease is a chronic disease that can occur due to inflammation of the digestive tract. When disease occurs, it will affect any part of the digestive tract, including the large intestine. Then the symptoms shown by Crohn’s disease itself include abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, weight loss and malnutrition. This type of disease can also increase the risk of colon cancer.
Diverticulitis is an inflammatory condition that can occur in diverticula. In terms of conditions, diverticulitis can occur due to pressure from gas, food or fluids on the inner lining of the intestine, resulting in the formation of small pockets. Apart from that, this disease also often occurs in the large intestine or more precisely in the lower part of the large intestine.
We must understand diseases in the digestive system in more detail. Starting from symptoms to how best to carry out treatment. This is done so that we also understand how to prevent, recognize and carry out treatment.
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How to Take Care of the Colon
Digestion is a very important part of the body. Therefore, we must be able to maintain the digestive system in the body, including the large intestine. Without healthy digestive conditions, of course the metabolic processes in our body will be disrupted, which will cause our body’s health to decline.
Of course, maintaining the large intestine is necessary to maintain the body’s digestive system. One way is to clean the organ by consuming foods that can detoxify the body.
Because of this, we should routinely choose what types of food to consume, which is an obligation so that the health of the digestive system can be maintained. Apart from that, this can also prevent our bodies from various types of diseases.
Well, below are several ways to maintain the health of the large intestine.
Add Vitamin C
One way to cleanse the large intestine is by consuming foods rich in Vitamin C. You can find Vitamin C in various types of fruit and vegetables. Consuming fruit and vegetables will help you to cleanse the large intestine. There’s nothing wrong if you also want to drink a kale, broccoli, strawberry and lemon smoothie to maintain your colon and overall health.
As explained, fruit is a type of food that is rich in vitamin content. Of the many types of fruit, it turns out that it can be processed into various types of fresh drinks, you know.
Take Advantage of Probiotics
The next way to protect the large intestine is to use probiotics. A study explains that probiotics can prevent and treat colon cancer.
Where probiotics can stop inflammation and increase concentration of movement in the intestines. The presence of high levels of probiotics will be easier to find in fermented foods. Meanwhile, fermented foods include Greek yogurt, apple cider vinegar, kimchi, miso, kombucha and various other types of cheese.
Add Resistant Starch to Food
Did you know that we can find resistant starch in plant foods such as potatoes, beans, rice, green bananas and whole grains. Where adding resistant starch to food will help improve the health of the large intestine by increasing the microflora in the intestine. Not only that, resistant starch is believed to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Drink More Water
The next way to cleanse the colon is to drink more water. Low fluid intake can actually cause constipation. At least you can drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day to prevent constipation.
Then there are other activities that are useful for meeting the body’s fluid needs, such as consuming fruit and fluids rich in water content. For example, cucumbers, tomatoes, melons and strawberries.
Consume High Fiber Foods
Another way that can be useful for cleansing the large intestine is to consume foods rich in and high in content. Where food is rich in ingredients and is very likely to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Not only that, high fiber foods will also provide food for the good bacteria in the intestines to reduce intestinal inflammation and improve digestive disorders. For example, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Several types of high-quality foods that can make the intestines happier include green beans, broccoli, lentils, whole grains and nuts.
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Drink Herbal Tea
Herbal tea is a type of drink that is useful for cleansing the colon. A study explains the relationship between consuming herbal tea and reducing the risk of colon cancer.
Laxative herbs such as psyllium, aloe vera and marshmallow root can help treat conditions such as constipation. However, make sure to consult a doctor beforehand if you really want to use this herb. This is because sometimes it can lead to the dangerous side.
So, that’s a review of the large intestine organ. Starting from understanding, function, disease to how to care for the large intestine. Hopefully all the discussion above is useful for you and Mudalovers will be more confident in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
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