What is the meaning of Company Management? Definition, Functions, Levels, and Duties

Most people will think that company management is a company division that is in charge of managing the company.

In short, it is indeed an important part of a company so that business runs smoothly.

Without good management, the company cannot realize the predetermined vision and mission of the company.

Not only that, management in a company also functions in managing the duties and responsibilities of each employee.

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Well, let’s see in full below.

Definition of Company Management

You need to know that the term management is a word that comes from the Old French “management”.

In addition, in Italian, management comes from “maneggiare” which means “to control”.

Well, experts then define the term corporate management into a number of meanings so that it can be easily understood.

Come on, see the explanation about the meaning of management in a company according to the following experts.

1. According to George R. Terry (1997)

Based on the explanation from Terry (1997), he explained the term management in a company as a different process consisting of preparation, planning, directing and controlling that aims to achieve the vision, mission or main goals of the company that need the involvement of human resources.

2. According to Harold Koontz

Furthermore, Harold Koontz also defines that management in a company is a productive art based on a complementary understanding of science.

3. According to Wilson Wake

Meanwhile, according to Wilson Bangun, management in a company is a series of efforts or actions by all members of the company that aim to achieve company goals.

4. According to James AF Stoner

James AF Stoner also defines what company management is as a form of process in compiling, controlling, and leading every effort from existing HR in order to achieve company goals.

5. According to Mary Parker Follet

Finally, Mary Parker Follet defines company management as an art of any work that can be completed with the help of others.

Company Management Functions

Based on practice, management in the company consists of 4 main functions.

Then, what are the 4 main functions? Come on, just take a look at the following 4 main management functions for the company.

1. Leading

The first function of the company manager is as a leading.

So, a manager is the one who leads and manages all management activities so that company goals are achieved.

In addition, a company manager is also in charge of making important decisions in the company.

Not only that, a manager must also communicate with interested parties.

Motivating employees whose level is below them is also the job of a company manager.

Management or managing human resources  such as choosing the right human resources and training company human resources is also the job of a company manager.

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2. Planning

In addition to being in charge of leadership, a manager is also in charge of planning or planning.

So, a manager must be able to plan a company strategy for the future progress of the company.

In these planning activities, the task includes determining what types of activities are appropriate for the progress of the company.

In addition, managers must also be able to determine when the right time to carry out these activities.

Making activity targets and activity schedules is also one of the duties of a company manager.

Not only that, company managers are also in charge of making  SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)  so that activities go according to plan and goals are achieved.

All of these planning activities will run smoothly and effectively if supported by accurate data and information generated by  the company’s ERP software .

ERP software can help companies manage and integrate data and information in each division or team.

3. Organizing

Another function is to organize and connect between company departments to cooperate and communicate well.

Examples of activities included in the task of organizing are compiling  the company’s organizational structure .

In addition, company managers must also be able to determine the job desk of each position in a company so that there is no overlapping.

A company manager is also tasked with compiling effective things that can achieve company goals by using existing human resources.

4. Controlling

The last management function in the company is controlling. The point is that managers must be able to supervise, observe and control the company’s activities.

For example, managers must check the work progress of their employees. In addition, managers must also measure the work results of employees.

If there is an error in the work, the company manager must take corrective action for the work.

Company Management Level

Furthermore, you also need to know what are the levels of company management.

As you know that every job has a career path, so does management within the company.

The higher the level of management in the company, the more and more responsibility.

So, here is a complete explanation of the management levels in the company that you need to know.

1. Top Level Management

The first level is top level management. Top level management is the level of management in a company that is at the very top, so it has the highest authority.

Thus, managers at this level have direct responsibility to the owner of the company.

In addition, the duties of top-level managers are limited to thoughts and concepts of company management and other concepts of other companies, so they don’t think about work techniques.

The company’s top level management also has the duties and responsibilities of selecting, appointing, and terminating the management levels below it.

Examples of company management from top level management are the general manager, chief executive officer (CEO), and president of the board of directors.

2. Middle Level Management

This middle management level is in a position in the middle between top level management and lower level management.

This level of management is directly appointed by the top level management and has a level of management below it.

The task of middle management is to carry out all the thoughts and concepts from top level management.

In its implementation, the middle management level in the company tends to rely on managerial skills and other technical matters.

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In addition, the responsibilities of the middle management level are all the management below it down to the employee level.

Examples of middle management are production managers, financial managers, marketing managers and others.

3. Lower Level Management

Lower level management is the lowest level of management, so the position of manager at this level is at the lowest level among other management levels.

Lower level management is in charge of supervising and leading all the work of the company’s employees.

The main skills that must be possessed by managers at lower level management are communication skills.

Examples of positions in lower level management are supervisor, foreman, leader, and so on.

So, that’s a complete review of company management and I hope this article is useful for you.