What is Western Culture? Definition, Characteristics, and 4 Examples

Culture is a  form of social action  that cannot be separated from everyday life. Culture always exists in society. There are even good and bad cultures, there are also cultures based on certain groups or even cultures in certain states.

In terms of its own type, we often hear about western and eastern culture.  There are very visible differences between these two  cultural elements . Therefore, this article discusses western culture in full.

The Western culture

Culture is  a way that continues to develop and is recognized by society and will be passed down from generation to generation, society will always do it. A culture is formed from many things ranging from religious systems to things related to the basic things in life.

Western culture itself is often associated with culture in Europe. However, not all cultures in Europe are like the western culture we know. Western culture has a broad meaning involving several aspects. Aspects that can be assessed to categorize western culture are  social norms , ethical values,  customs , political systems, technology used, religion adhered to, and so on.

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Understanding Western Culture

Western culture is a culture that originates from many countries in Europe and America. The culture in question can be seen from several aspects, namely lifestyle,  trends , manners, education, level of self-confidence, order, discipline, celebratory activities, position in the family, and so on.

This culture is often synonymous with freedom in the social process. The values ​​adhered to in daily life are also different from eastern culture. There are many things that are less acceptable in the east.

Those who are used to living in western culture will tend not to care about  the social environment  around them. They will prioritize themselves over others. Personal interests are the main priority in everything.

Globalization has quite a big impact on the spread of culture, many parties spread culture in ways that are not realized. For example, in this case by creating current hairstyles, clothing styles, views on life, etc. that can be accepted by logic.

Understanding Western Culture According to Experts

The following are several definitions of western culture according to experts,

  1. According to KBBI,  western culture is everything related to the way of life, way of thinking and outlook on life of people in the western part of the world or the western part of the world (Europe and America). Based on the things that have been mentioned, it has become a habit in society.
  2. Tylor , the definition of western culture is everything that is comprehensive and complex, which contains knowledge, art, law, morals, customs, beliefs and other abilities. Based on what an area has, it will be used by the entire  community .
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Characteristics of Western Culture

The following are the characteristics that exist in western culture, including;

  1. Uphold human rights

Western culture will prioritize individual rights over public interests. An individual’s desire to determine his life is the most important thing, no one can determine a person’s life. A person will determine his own path.

  1. Everyone has freedom

The freedom in question is choosing one’s way of life. Other people don’t care about the activities they do. All activities that do not harm other people will not be noticed by the people around them. People tend not to care about other people’s affairs.

  1. Emphasizes logic

If  an example of a social problem occurs  , it will not be resolved with feelings but with logic. Likewise, when responding to a situation, there will be more emphasis on logic. Everything will be considered logically so that nothing doesn’t make sense or feels strange.

  1. Active and analytical

People tend to be more careful and active in carrying out their daily lives. They will observe everything and be able to respond actively and with clear analysis. When you want to do something, you will think about it with the most appropriate analysis.

  1. Belief is not related to everyday life

Those who adhere to western culture, religion is not a way of life but a belief. There is an opinion that beliefs and life guidelines are something different and cannot be combined.

When you want to carry out daily activities, you will use rational logic and can be accepted by many groups. Trust is only an individual’s interest that does not need to be shown to others. Sometimes they even violate religious orders for the sake of a certain rationality.

  1. Creating a Fashion Trend

Western countries have been in the spotlight for determining fashion trends in certain periods of time. Both hairstyles, clothes, bags, shoes, and so on. The ability of western countries to produce quality products means that many  fashion trends  are admired by the public.

  1. Think objectively

All actions will be more objective and impartial. Because they don’t care about each other, when there is a problem they will be more objective and not take sides with any party. This will make the most appropriate decision.

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Examples of Western Culture

There are several examples of what might be done by people who apply western culture, including:

  1. Fashion style

People who follow western culture tend to prefer to wear clothes that are open or expose certain parts of the body. Misal prefers to use minimal and tight clothing as a form of self-expression.

This style of clothing is commonly used in everyday life. They feel comfortable wearing clothes like that and feel simpler. When you come to a party, you will choose to wear glamorous clothes for both men and women.

  1. Lifestyle

Likes to do extravagant activities. Indeed, their work culture is fast and demanding, so they cannot relax or take things slowly. On weekends they will have fun to relieve fatigue in a way that smells of freedom.

Activities include shopping at the mall, traveling, spending the night at a disco or other entertainment venues. They also usually consume alcohol and other addictive substances when they feel the need. Drinking alcohol is a normal thing and the average person does this.

  1. Many people adhere to certain beliefs

The understanding in question is not related to  examples of religious norms  or beliefs but rather a person’s lifestyle. The ideas commonly adhered to by people who adopt western culture are capitalism, hedonism and  secularism .

Capitalism is  a choice for those who have the desire to obtain abundant amounts of wealth, so that everything is done for money.

Hedonists are  those who have a lifestyle of luxury and waste money on activities that are less useful, just for momentary satisfaction. The concept of secularism is the separation between belief or religion and the government of a country.

  1. Food

People do not get used to making their own food, more often consuming fast food.

Fast food is something that is commonly enjoyed and is considered more practical. The fast work culture makes people tend to want something instant. When there is a faster alternative, they will choose that fast method.

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From the explanation given, it can be said that western culture has actually been around for a long time and many people like it because they feel they have the freedom to determine their steps in life. Western culture has now spread to eastern regions, even Indonesia has begun to be carried away by  this art and culture  .

Western culture does have a wide scope and was introduced to eastern regions. This culture can spread throughout the western regions also because of colonialism from Europe. Based on these events, western culture became known in the areas where they had visited.

Western culture is basically a classical culture and is related to Greco-Roman in several areas. Ways of thinking, beliefs held, music, clothing styles, ethics, traditions, folklore, and so on.

The fields in western culture today have developed along with the times. Moreover, with the very rapid development of technology, sometimes people cannot predict what will happen. All events will happen so quickly, sometimes people are forced to follow these developments.

Western culture has developed from the past until now, there have been many influences from other cultures. In the current era, a culture will be formed that is influenced by developments in any field that are global in nature.

So, that’s all the article that we can explain to all readers regarding  the meaning of western culture  according to experts, its characteristics and examples in everyday life. Hopefully it can provide education for those of you who need it.