In a company, human resource assets are clearly very valuable. These resources are required in a wide variety of business processes.
These workers or employees will later be placed in a particular position, work unit or various divisions as needed. Because of the importance of the workforce, a company must be able to analyze the workload contained in every activity carried out by workers.
This is of course very important to do because by analyzing the workload. Companies will be able to manage their workers better. Not only that, with this analysis the company can also know what solutions can be made for the welfare of its employees.
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In addition, the purpose of this workload analysis is also to be able to position employees in positions, jobs, and various other important things at the right dose, to better understand how to do a workload analysis, here is an explanation.
Definition of Workload Analysis in the Company
Workload analysis or what is often called workload analysis is a method used by every company to be able to calculate the workload of employees in a company.
That means, the workload of these workers will be calculated based on a position or title at work. Apart from that, this analysis is also carried out in order to determine how many workers a company will need.
Analysis of this workload is a series of processes carried out by the company by calculating the workload. Based on the calculation process carried out, later a company will be able to directly determine working time and human resource management through the HRIS application that will be needed to carry out a job so that it can be maximized.
The Benefits of Doing a Workload Analysis
After discussing the meaning of workload, the next thing is to find out about the benefits of this workload analysis. By carrying out an analysis of workload, the company will be able to determine the position, amount, and also various other things related to a position in a job.
Apart from that, there are also various other benefits that can be obtained by the company if it can carry out a workload analysis of the company properly. The benefits of this analysis include the following:
- As a benchmark in determining how much workforce is needed and will be placed or recruited by the company’s HR team.
- Workload analysis as a benchmark for companies to be able to consider matters related to the workforce by reducing or increasing the number of workers in a work unit.
- Analysis of workload as a benchmark for workers in a company so they can find out about career paths and at the same time their opportunities to develop in a company.
- Workload analysis is also useful in order to support the perfection of an organizational structure in a company.
- Workload analysis as a basis for making an SOP related to work activities, tasks, as well as a position in a company.
- Workload analysis is also useful for being able to determine a developmental need for every worker in a company.
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Workload Analysis Factor
In calculating a workload, there are several factors that need to be considered by a company. This is of course so that the analysis can be carried out optimally. Then, what are the factors needed to carry out the analysis? Here are some workload analysis factors to consider:
1. Effective Working Hours
Workload and effective employee working hours will always be interconnected with one another. This effective working hours can be a key indicator in conducting an analysis for workload.
With the company paying attention to the effective working hours of each individual or worker, division, and also each of the largest work units, the company will be able to more easily see the details of the working day more effectively.
2. Working time of employees in a company
What is meant by working time in this case is about the length of time that will be required to complete a series of work processes.
The company must also be able to determine the amount of working time properly. So that in this way, the analysis calculation of the workload will also be carried out more precisely.
3. The volume of a job
The next factor that needs to be considered to get a much better workload analysis is through work volume. Some of the things that are included in a work volume are the amount of workload received by each worker in a company.
This work volume is a variable that is not fixed in a workload analysis calculation. This is because the amount of employee work volume has a big difference from one thing to another.
For this reason, work volume can be a very important factor in the workload analysis process.
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4. Workload Factor
An important factor in calculating a workload analysis is the workload itself. In this case, the company clearly has to be able to calculate a workload per time as well as work volume. So, the form of workload analysis and also the calculations can be done correctly and precisely.
Workload Analysis Calculation Method
Next, what we will discuss is the method that can be used to calculate the workload. There are various methods that can be used to carry out workload analysis that can be used by companies. The various workload analysis methods are as follows:
1. Using the Question Method
The question method used is a method in which the party from a company can make an arrangement and also a list of questions. Where this question will be asked to workers when carrying out a workload analysis.
The form of the question asked can also be in the form of an open question, which will contain details of the task of the party analyzing the workload.
2. Using the Interview Method
The second method that can be used for calculating this analysis is the interview method. This method is a method that is carried out by interviewing every worker in the company.
The purpose of this interview is so that the company can find out the workload assigned to each individual.
3. With the Observation Method
By using this observation method, it will be able to help a company in seeing whether each intended individual feels appropriate in occupying a particular position.
Apart from that, the company will also be able to make considerations about the position and also how an individual will be able to do his job properly as expected. This method is also quite often used by many companies to determine the workload of employees more quickly.
Several Ways to Approach Workload Analysis
There are various types of approaches originating from various perspectives in conducting a workload analysis. Some of the approaches are as follows:
1. Administrative Approach
This administrative approach can be done easily. The company only needs to do an analysis in order to get an administrative matter. Generally, this is in accordance with the policies made by a company.
This process can also be done more easily with the HRD application in managing all matters regarding work, both salary and other administration.
2. Organizational Approach
This organizational approach is carried out by considering from an organizational point of view. That means, companies will be able to pay attention to how an organization can be formed from a system. Where in it will coordinate with each other at the work unit level or at an individual level.
That way, the company will also be able to get data from work procedures more clearly. In addition, the company will also be able to see the relationships that are being established between organizations and also the work contained within them. As well as how the relationship of employees who have an important role in a company.
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3. Using the Job Analysis Approach
This one approach is taken in order to be able to see the conditions of the workers related to the responsibilities in carrying out a particular position. That way, the company will be able to obtain information related to a position, such as duties, identity, and also the workload of a worker’s position.
In addition, this approach will be able to assist companies in conducting a more comprehensive workload analysis.
How to Calculate Analysis of Workload of Workers
In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 175/PMK.01/2016 where in the regulation, explains that the effective working hours of each worker every day is around 6 hours 25 minutes or you could say 6.416 hours. This number of effective hours can be obtained by reducing the time spent on employees meeting their needs, such as time for meal breaks and also time for going to the bathroom.
After understanding that, the company must then calculate the content of the work of the employees. To do this, usually the company will be able to manage any data obtained from each implementing unit using a formula like the following, namely work content is workload multiplied by the time needed for workers to complete a job.
If you have succeeded in calculating from the contents of the work, then you will be able to continue by adding it up. This method is carried out in order to be able to obtain the work content of the position and also the work content of a unit with units of person hours or what is also commonly referred to as OJ.
In this case, there are at least four working hours that are considered quite effective, namely time per day, time per week, time per month and also time per year. The time calculation of the four effective working hours is as follows:
- For time per day = 1 day multiplied by 6.416 hours, the result is 385 minutes.
- For time per week = 5 working days multiplied by 6.416 hours, the result is 32.08 hours which equals 1924.8 minutes.
- For time per month, the calculation method is = 20 days multiplied by 6.416 hours, the result is 128.32 hours = 7699.2 minutes.
- Then the time per year is 240 days x 6.416 hours, the result is 1,539.84 hours or the equivalent of 92,390.4 minutes.
In each work unit, there must be a work result that is different from one another. Both in terms of type and unit, so that this can be measured with a measuring tool for effective working hours. All products or work results must be confirmed in advance, so that they will have one unit.
In order to make it that way, any different volume of work that exists between work units is a variable variable in an execution of this analysis. In the sense that the volume of work at any time will be able to change. Meanwhile, the time that will be used to produce or complete a product or what can be called the time norm will be relatively fixed and unchanged. And this will then become a fixed variable in carrying out the analysis for workloads.
Based on the definition that has been explained, it is stated that this work weight is a product of the work volume with the time norm. For the work volume of each work unit, this can be known based on a documentation of the existing work.
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As for the time norm that needs to be determined in the standard time norm, which will later be used as a fixed factor in every work weight analysis, with an assumption that there is no change that will cause the time norm to change.
Purpose and Objectives of the Working Weight Analysis
The purpose of a work weight analysis preparation is to be able to provide an instrument in the process of restructuring the institution or HR of the Regional Secretariat. Conducting an assessment of the workload of a Work Unit, of course, will also have an input or output result. Where the results of this will be used as material for the process of structuring planning or also improving an organizational structure, both government agencies or private organizations. The objectives of preparing the work weight analysis include the following:
- To build or formulate a work weight assessment system and also plan the needs of employees in each work unit.
- To assess the work weight of a Work Unit based on the work weight of a position or a work unit by using the variables of time norms, work volume and also effective working hours. This will be related to the number of employees or position.
Meanwhile, the output or results of this child are:
- For the effectiveness and efficiency of the position as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of each work unit.
- Position work performance and work performance in each unit.
- The amount for the needs of employees or officials in a company or agency.
- The total work weight of the position and also the total work weight of the unit.
- Index value for the work weight of each individual in each position.
- Standard norms for working time.
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Based on the complete explanation above, it can be concluded that work weight analysis is a way that companies can calculate work weight based on a work position. This is also useful so that the company can determine how many workers are needed.
This analysis includes various processes for calculating work weights related to the length of time a job can be completed in a particular position. The basis is the working time as well as the number of people that will be required to do a job in an optimal manner.
Carrying out this load analysis will of course also provide information about how many jobs will be recruited by HR, or even material for consideration for adding or reducing the number of employees to support the realization of a perfect organizational structure in a company.