10 Best Mutual Fund Applications in Indonesia for Investing

AThe best mutual fund application is a platform that can be used to invest in mutual funds easily and accurately. Find out what are the best app recommendations for mutual fund investment!

Mutual funds are one of the increasingly popular investment instruments in Indonesia. Mutual funds can be the right choice for those who want to invest, but do not have sufficient knowledge or experience in the investment world. 

However, many people find mutual funds to be complex instruments and difficult to understand. To simplify the process of investing in mutual funds, there is now a mutual fund application. Find out,  come on,  which is the best recommendation!

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‍ Best Mutual Fund Application Recommendations

Mutual fund applications allow investors to buy and sell mutual funds more easily and quickly. In addition, the mutual fund application also offers various features that can help investors to monitor their investment performance, manage their portfolios, and find out information related to mutual funds in more detail.

However, with so many mutual fund applications available on the market, how do you choose the best mutual fund application? Check out the recommendations for the applications below.

1. Bareksa

Bareksa is one of the best mutual fund applications in Indonesia with more than 2 million users. 

This application offers a wide range of mutual fund products from several well-known investment managers in Indonesia, as well as easy-to-use features, such as online buying and selling of mutual funds, portfolio management, and various analytical tools.

2. Bucharest

Bukareksa is a very popular mutual fund application in Indonesia and is often used as the top choice by investors. 

This application offers a wide range of mutual fund products from various investment managers, as well as complete and easy-to-use features, such as portfolio management, mutual fund performance analysis, and various additional services.

3. Magic

Ajaib is a mutual fund application that focuses on using technology to simplify the investment process. 

This application offers a wide range of mutual fund products from various investment managers, as well as features such as portfolio management, financial planning, and the use of smart algorithms to assist investors in making investment decisions.

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4. Tanamduit

Tanamduit is a mutual fund application that offers a wide variety of mutual fund products from the best investment managers in Indonesia. This application is equipped with complete features, such as portfolio management, mutual fund performance analysis, and various additional services such as purchasing precious metals and gold savings.

5. Investree

Investree is also known as a mutual fund application that focuses on peer-to-peer (P2P) financing and venture capital financing (PMU). This application offers a wide range of mutual fund products based on P2P and PMU, as well as features such as comprehensive and easy-to-use portfolio management and financial reports.

6. Seeds

Seeds is one of the best mutual fund applications in Indonesia, especially for novice investors who want to start investing in mutual funds. This Seeds offers easy-to-use features that make it easy for investors to choose investment products that suit their risk profile and financial goals.

In addition, Seeds also offers affordable costs and advanced technology that makes it easier for investors to make investment decisions. All transactions made through the Seeds application are also guaranteed to be secure, so investors don’t have to worry about the security of their data and investments.

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7. Danareksa

Danareksa is one of the largest investment managers in Indonesia, and their mutual fund application offers a variety of mutual fund products that can be easily accessed through the application. This application also offers various features, such as financial planning, portfolio monitoring, and information related to mutual funds.


IPOT is a mutual fund application from Indo Premier Securities, and offers a variety of mutual fund products from the best investment managers in Indonesia. The app also offers features such as mutual fund performance analysis, portfolio monitoring, and easy mutual fund buying and selling.


SPOT is the best mutual fund application from Sucor Asset Management, an investment manager that focuses on Islamic investment products, and their mutual fund application offers a variety of Islamic investment products, such as Islamic stock mutual funds, Islamic fixed income mutual funds, and Islamic money market mutual funds. 

This application is also equipped with features such as portfolio management, financial planning, and Islamic capital market analysis.

10. MotionTrade

MotionTrade from MNC Sekuritas is a mutual fund application that offers a wide range of investment products, including equity funds, fixed income mutual funds, and money market mutual funds. This application is also equipped with features such as portfolio management, investment performance analysis, and information related to the capital market.

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These are the recommendations for the best mutual fund applications in Indonesia. Keep in mind that the choice of the best mutual fund application still depends on the preferences of each investor and is not limited to the list above. 

Before selecting a mutual fund application, it is best to consider factors such as cost, ease of use, performance, security, and the investment manager’s reputation associated with the application.

So, that’s an article about platform recommendations for mutual fund investment that might help you invest even better.