Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence are quite popular right now and give programmers a rewarding career with high salary and intriguing work.
It’s a fantastic chance for programmers who want to learn new abilities and advance their careers.
It’s also essential from a career standpoint, because robots and bots are becoming smarter by the day as a result of these technologies, and will most likely take over some of the tasks that many programmers do now.
As a result, it is critical for software engineers and developers to develop these abilities. As data science revolutionizes our world, programmers with these skills earn much greater wages.
You may have be aware that a machine learning specialist is one of the highest-paying technological jobs in the world. Most developers and IT workers, however, have yet to acquire this crucial set of abilities.
For those who are unfamiliar with the terms Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning, they are all highly connected terms that all point to machines doing things that humans can only do and evaluating the massive quantity of data collected by modern-day applications.
Data Science, in particular, is a synthesis of ideas like as machine learning, visualization, data mining, programming, data scraping, and so on.
If you already have some programming experience, you can learn Python or R to advance your career as a Data Scientist.
Many popular scientific Python libraries, such as Numpy, Scipy, Scikit-learn, and Pandas, are used by Data Scientists to analyze data.
To be honest, I am also very new to the realm of Data Science and Machine studying, but I have spent some time over the last year researching the finest resources for studying Machine Learning, Data Science, and so on.
All of those materials will be shared in a series of blog entries like this one. I already published some courses for studying TensorFlow, one of the most popular machine learning libraries, and today I’ll share some more.
These are a mix of free and paid resources that will assist you in understanding essential data science ideas and becoming a Data Scientist.
12 Top Data Science Courses for Beginners in 2023
Here is my selection of the top Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning courses. As previously said, Data Science and machine learning are inextricably linked, hence several of these courses also include machine learning.
Because both Python and R are fantastic languages for data analysis and have solid APIs and libraries, I’ve provided courses in both, and you can select which one you prefer.
Python is my favorite language because of its versatility; it’s second only to Java on my list. I already use it for scripting and other web-related tasks, so it was an obvious option for me. It also includes some good libraries, such as Sci-kit Learn and TensorFlow.
Data Science is also a combination of several abilities, such as visualization, data cleansing, data mining, and so on, and these courses provide a thorough overview of all of these topics as well as a variety of valuable tools that can help you in the real world.
1. Course in Data Science at Harvard
The course covers a variety of data science principles such as machine learning, visualization, data mining, programming, data wrangling, and so on.
Throughout the course, you will use popular scientific Python libraries such as Numpy, Scipy, Scikit-learn, and Pandas.
I recommend that you take the machine learning course before taking this one because machine learning principles like PCA (dimensionality reduction), k-means, and logistic regression are not addressed in depth.
However, keep in mind that completing this course will take a significant amount of time, as the homework activities are extremely difficult.
In conclusion, if you’re seeking for an online data science course (using Python), Harvard’s CS 109 is the best option. To finish this course, you must have some programming experience as well as knowledge of statistics.
2. Machine Learning A-Z: Python and R in Action — In Data Science
This is most likely the best hands-on Data Science and machine learning course available online. Two Data Science specialists will teach you how to develop Machine Learning Algorithms in Python and R in this course.
This is an excellent course for students and programmers interested in pursuing a career in data science, as well as Data Analysts looking to develop their machine learning skills.
It’s also appropriate for intermediate-level programmers who are familiar with the fundamentals of machine learning, such as linear regression and logistic regression, but want to learn more about it and explore all of the numerous domains of Machine Learning.
3. IBM’s Intro to Data Science Course
This is one of the greatest Coursera Data Science courses. It gives a wide overview of various data science ideas. The first programming exercise, “Twitter Sentiment Analysis in Python,” is both enjoyable and demanding, as it requires you to analyze hundreds of Twitter tweets to determine attitudes such as negative, positive, and so on.
The course assumes you are familiar with statistics, Python, and SQL.
In addition, it is not suitable for novices, especially if you do not know Python or SQL, but if you do and have a basic understanding of Data Science, this is an excellent course.
And, if you find Coursera courses beneficial, which they are because they are made by reputable firms such as Google, IBM, Amazon, and the world’s greatest colleges, I recommend you join Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera.
This single membership grants you access to all of their most popular courses, specializations, professional certificates, and guided projects. It costs roughly $399 each year, but it is completely worth it because you receive infinite certificates.
4. Pluralsight’s Data Science with R
Data science is the practice of converting data into information, and R is a prominent programming language among data scientists.
In this course, you will first learn about data science practice, the R programming language, and how they may be utilized to transform data into meaningful knowledge.
Following that, you’ll learn how to transform and clean your data, as well as how to generate and analyze descriptive statistics, data visualizations, and statistical models.
Finally, you’ll learn how to work with Big Data, create predictions with machine learning algorithms, and put R into production.
To access this course, you’ll need a Pluralsight membership, which costs roughly $29 per month or $299 annually (14% discount).
If you don’t already have a Pluralsight membership, I recommend that you obtain one because it gives you access to their 5000+ online courses on all the newest topics such as front-end and back-end programming, machine learning, and so on.
It also has interactive quizzes, exercises, and the most up-to-date certification material.
Pluralsight subscription is a terrific method to keep ahead of your competition because learning is a key aspect of our profession.
They also offer a 10-day free trial with no obligation, which is an excellent method to not only get this course for free but also to evaluate the quality of courses before joining Pluralsight.
5. Do you want to work as a data scientist? (FREE)
This is an excellent introduction to what data scientists do and how to become a data science practitioner. It’s also free and available on Udemy.
If you’ve recently heard about Data Science and are curious about what it entails, this is the course you should take first.
It’s a short course, but it packs a powerful punch. Do you know what Data Science is? Recognize the job that Data Scientists do on a daily basis and distinguish between the many roles in Data Science and the abilities required to do them.
You will also learn about the difficulties that Data Scientists encounter. In brief, this course will provide you with all of the information you need to decide whether Data Science is the appropriate path for you.
6. Udacity’s Introduction to Data Science
This is another wonderful basic data science course that is offered for free on Udacity, another prominent online education website.
This course will teach you about fundamental Data Science topics such as Data Manipulation, Data Analysis with Statistics and Machine Learning, Data Communication with Information Visualization, and Data at Scale while working with Big Data.
This is a free course that also serves as the first step toward a new career with Udacity’s Data Analyst Nanodegree Program.
7. R Programming Data Science Certification Training
This is yet another excellent course for learning Data Science using R. This course will not only teach you the R programming language but will also provide you hands-on experience with statistical modeling approaches.
Real-world examples of how analytics have been utilized to drastically improve a business or industry are included in the course.
This is the course for you if you want to master some useful analytic approaches that don’t require a lot of math experience to comprehend.
8. Bootcamp on Python for Data Science and Machine Learning
Apart from R, there is little doubt that Python is the best language for data analysis, which is why it is so popular among data scientists.
This course will teach you how to utilize all of the most significant Python scientific and machine learning libraries, including TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Plotly, Scikit-Learn, Machine Learning, and many more that I discussed earlier in my list of relevant machine learning libraries.
It’s a complete course that will teach you how to leverage Python’s capabilities to analyze data, generate stunning visualizations, and use sophisticated machine learning techniques!
9. Data Science A-Z: Includes Real-Life Data Science Exercises
This is yet another excellent hands-on Data Science course from Udemy. It claims to teach you Data Science step by step using real-world analytics examples. Data mining, modeling, Tableau visualization, and other services are available.
This course will provide you with so many practical exercises that when you finish it, the real world will seem like a piece of cake.
The homework exercises are also thought-provoking and difficult. In short, if you enjoy doing things, this is the course for you.
10. Python Data Science, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning
If you have some programming or scripting expertise, this course will teach you the techniques used by professional data scientists and machine learning practitioners in the IT industry – and help you become one.
The contents in this course were derived from an examination of actual needs in data scientist job advertisements from the largest tech organizations, making it even more unique and useful.
11. Understanding Data Science
Samia Khalid’s course on The Educative is a fantastic way to study Data Science. I’m a big fan of Educative’s highly engaging and well-structured courses like Grokking the System Design Interview and Grokking the Coding Interview, and this one is up there with them.
This course, taught by Samia Khalid, an AI expert from Microsoft, will teach you all you need to know to become a Data Scientist in 2023.
This course will walk you through the entire process of becoming a data scientist. It provides step-by-step, hands-on, and entertaining explanations of all the major topics in one location, allowing you to quickly and efficiently learn everything you need to succeed as a data scientist.
By the way, you can enroll in this course individually or sign up for an educational membership (recommended) to have access to their 250+ high-quality, text-based, interactive courses for coding interviews, software development, and technology.
12. Python Data Visualization
If you prefer books to online courses and are seeking for a serious book to study Data Visualization in Python, this is the book for you.
This book, written by Daniel Nelson, is appropriate for both beginner and intermediate Python developers. It teaches key visualization skills through simple data manipulation with Pandas, covers core plotting libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn, and demonstrates how to use declarative and experimental libraries such as Altair.
The following are the essential abilities you will acquire from this book:
We’ll talk about:
Libraries based on Matplotlib
Libraries for JavaScript
JSON data libraries
Libraries for WebGL
The book is divided into 11 chapters that cover all of the essential machine learning Python libraries such as Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh, Altair, Plotly, GGPlot, GeoPandas, and VisPy.
That concludes a look at some of the most popular Data Science courses. As previously said, there is a high need for strong Data Analytics, but there aren’t enough developers to meet that demand.
It’s an excellent opportunity for programmers, particularly those with strong math and statistics skills, to pursue a career in machine learning and data science. You will be given intriguing work and excellent remuneration.
Final Words
Thanks, You made it all the way to the end of the article… Best wishes on your Data Science and Machine Learning quest! It won’t be simple, but by taking these courses, you’ll be one step closer to becoming the Machine Learning Specialists you’ve always wanted to be.
Please share this article with your friends and coworkers, and don’t forget to follow javinpaul on Twitter!
P. S. — If you need some online materials to get started, check out this online course Learn Machine Learning Algorithms, Software, and Deep Learning.