8 Benefits of Studying Abroad for SMA/SMK Students

Studying at the best campus in the world is a dream for some people. Even so, not a few people are still hesitant to be able to gain knowledge in other countries. In order for  Hunters  to be more confident in your own dreams. Here Schoters provide 8 benefits of studying abroad to strengthen yourself!  

1. Diverse Choice of Majors

As is known, overseas campuses have more choices of majors and more specific fields of study. With this you can further narrow your career choices and goals going forward. In addition, you can also get experience to study with the best teachers and facilities. 

One of the benefits of studying abroad can also be obtained for those of you who have just graduated from high school with several scholarships for students who wish to pursue undergraduate education. 

2. Preparing for Future Jobs and Careers

Regarding the benefits of studying abroad for the first time, you can start preparing for an international career with the network you get. You can even start preparing for a career in several jobs that will be much needed in the future. Especially in the era of technology and after the COVID-19 pandemic like this.

3. Getting International Networking

One of the most valuable benefits of studying abroad is the international network that you will get later. Moreover, not everyone can get an international connection. 

Through the connections you get during college, you can also open doors of opportunity that you never thought of before. Starting from career doors, jobs, to the opportunity to continue your education even higher. 

4. Improving Foreign Language Proficiency

Another benefit of studying abroad that you will definitely get is  skills  to understand foreign languages. Understanding here is of course not just ability on paper, but skills to communicate with local people, adapt to the surrounding culture, and improve your own intellectual skills. 

5. Become someone who is tough and adaptive

Living and studying in a foreign country is far from easy, indeed. You have to learn to understand foreign languages, understand the character of new people who will be different from your country, to small things like managing finances and preparing important documents while being a foreign citizen.

Not to mention that you have to match your steps with the education system which may be much better than where you come from. But even so, the difficulties above can be one of the benefits of studying abroad for you to make you a more resilient and adaptive person. 

6. Improving Ability to Handle Problems

Small problems that you encounter while in Indonesia can be a different story when living abroad. However, because you only have yourself you can practice  problem solving  skills as well as self-reliance. Even though it sounds trivial, this is often felt by Indonesian students abroad and is one of the benefits of studying abroad. Especially when he returned to Indonesia. 

7. Training Financial Planning Ability

Managing finances is tricky, especially if you live abroad and rely on fees from your parents or scholarships. The exchange rate of the Rupiah and foreign currencies is very different, so we cannot easily ask for additional money if we are stuck at the end of the month.

Through this challenge, you can practice  financial planning  skills that you can use in your next life. Therefore, the benefits of studying abroad can help you in the future. 

8. Unforgettable Life Experience

One thing you need to know when you want to study abroad. With some of the things that have been said above, your unforgettable life experience is not on the diploma sheet but the changes that happen to you after finishing your studies.

This life experience is very valuable and not everyone can feel it. Therefore, you should be able to maximize your abilities and get the 8 benefits of studying abroad above.