These Are Things You Must Know About Universities in Germany!

Universities in Germany have long been the target of Indonesian students and even across the world. This is because Germany itself is a developed country that is safe and friendly to immigrants. Not to forget, the country with the nickname “country of beer” is also home to the best recognized campuses in the world such as the Technical University of Munich. Moreover, the cost of education and the cost of living in Germany are competitive compared to other continental European countries.

That’s why, for those of you who already have aspirations to continue your studies at a university in Germany, you really have to know about the best campuses there. Starting from university recommendations, tuition fees, how to study, how to study to what are the career prospects of graduates you need to know. Come on! just read more below!

List of the best university recommendations in Germany

International University of Applied Sciences

The first university recommendation in Germany is IU International University of Applied Sciences . This campus prioritizes quality. Hence, all study programs have received state approval, even those with German Accreditation Council stamps and have been recognized globally. The campus has also won numerous major awards for its programs, higher education materials and outstanding services.

Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich

Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich is a university located in Munich, Bavaria. This campus is one of the oldest universities in Germany which is still operating as before. Even from this campus, 40 Nobel prize winners were born , you know. Unfinished, this campus has just won the title of ” University of Excellence ” in Germany. Relax, this campus has a 17% rate for international students.

Munich Technical University

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is a university in Germany that has existed since the 18th century. As the name suggests, this campus specializes in engineering, technology, natural sciences and applied sciences. Not only in Munich, Munich Engineering campuses are spread across Freising, Heilbronn, Straubing and even Singapore . TUM itself has also been awarded the “ University of Excellence ” award.

Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin

Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin is known as the best Health Science education in Europe and even one of the best in the world. At least more than 50% of the Nobel Prize awardees in the medical or physiology field have worked at this college. Charite is even seen as the best campus for medical education in Germany. So, for those of you who want to study medicine in the “panzer country”, you must consider this university in Germany!

University of Heidelberg

Talking about a university with a lot of history, you can’t leave University Heidelberg. If everything else is from the 18th century, this campus is from 1386! Even so, the campus was instrumental in introducing the modern sociology department and the faculty of psychiatry. Every year, around 1000 students at Heidelberg successfully complete their doctoral or doctoral degree programs!

Tuition fees in Germany

Many are concerned about the cost of studying in Germany. The reason is none other than because Germany is a developed country in Europe, the price must be expensive. In fact, this country actually has a fairly low price for education compared to other countries in Europe. This is because the government of his country freed tuition fees not only for local students but for foreign citizens!

While studying, at most you only pay an annual administration fee of around € 117.50 to € 439 depending on the department and university you are going to. Now you understand the reason why so many want to study at universities in Germany?

How to study in Germany for free

As before, the government in Germany has abolished tuition fees for undergraduate degree programs on all campuses in the country. This means that those who study at state universities don’t have to worry about their tuition fees anymore. However, there are still fees that students must pay per semester. Students pay at least €100 – €350 per semester which includes the cost of student support services, administration and other unavoidable costs.

However, students abroad in the EU still have to pay around €3,000 per year. So, in order to study in Germany for free , you have to rely on scholarships. But, scholarship competition is not kidding, you know. That’s why you need an experienced educational consultation to be able to prepare yourself as fully as possible.

Career prospects for university graduates in Germany

You must be wondering, what about the career prospects for university graduates in Germany? No need to worry, with a bachelor’s degree from a university in Germany, global career opportunities are right in front of your eyes! Especially for those of you who want to be involved in the world of engineering, universities in Germany are famous for their expertise in this discipline.

About salary, you don’t need to doubt anymore. The salary of university graduates in Germany will certainly be higher . You see, the company realizes that university graduates in Germany have studied with a real practical basis that they can immediately use when working. That is why they without hesitation provide high salaries and supporting facilities.

So, it’s no wonder why so many people are competing to study in Germany? In addition to exciting lectures, future careers are also guaranteed!