Get to know 3 Spanish Scholarships for Masters and Doctoral Degrees

Spain is one of the European Union countries which is rich in history and culture. Apart from the fact that this country has extraordinary appeal, it turns out that Spain is also a destination for thousands of students from all over the world to study. 

Tuition fees for some universities are also around €5,500 per semester. There are many scholarship programs that Hunters  can  apply  to cover tuition  fees and living expenses while studying. What scholarships are they? Let’s see together!

1.    Masters Degree Scholarship in Spain: Erasmus+

The Erasmus Mundus Scholarship or which has now changed its name to the Erasmus+ program is a funding program offered by the European Union to support various educational, training, youth and sports activities at various overseas educational institutions in the European Union. Through the scholarship program opened by Erasmus+, international students from all corners of the world can get the opportunity to study and gain work experience in various countries in Europe while pursuing degrees at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

The Erasmus+ program opens various scholarship programs with different requirements and target participants. Nonetheless, international students from the ASEAN region including Indonesia can take part in 2 (two) types of scholarship programs, namely the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree and Erasmus Mundus Partnerships.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Scholarship Requirements

  1. Prospective Masters level students from all over the world
  2. Have graduated or received a diploma from the previous level of education
  3. Have never received an EMJMD scholarship or Erasmus Mundus Master Course/Joint Doctorate Scholarship before
  4. Meet all the requirements set for the intended study program

2. Masters/S3 Scholarships in Spain: LPDP

LPDP Regular is a fully funded scholarship. Check out the complete information as follows:

General requirement

  1. Indonesian citizens.
  2. Have completed a diploma four (D4) or undergraduate (S1) program for a master’s scholarship; master program (S2) for doctoral scholarships, or diploma four (D4)/undergraduate (S1) direct doctorate.
  3. For applicants from diploma four (D4)/bachelor (S1) directly doctorate must fulfill the following conditions:
    1. Have an  Unconditional LoA  from the target university, and
    2. Fulfills all the criteria as a doctoral scholarship program applicant (S3).
  4. Applicants who have completed master’s studies (S2) are not permitted to register for a master’s scholarship program and applicants who have completed doctoral studies (S3) are not permitted to register for a doctoral scholarship program.
  5. For applicants who graduated from foreign universities at the previous level of education, they are required to attach the results of equivalent diplomas and GPA conversions from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, through the Equalization of Foreign  Diplomas page and  screenshots of applications for diploma equalization and GPA conversions on the Ministry of Education website. , Culture, Research, and Technology regarding diploma equalization and GPA conversion for applicants whose diploma equalization and/or GPA conversion has not been issued.
  6. Not currently studying ( on going ) master or doctoral programs either at domestic universities or universities abroad.
  7. Not currently registering, will receive, or receive scholarships from other sources that have the potential to  double funding  as long as you are an LPDP scholarship recipient.
  8. Applicants who attach an  Unconditional LoA  with a study start time that is not in accordance with the provisions of the LPDP must attach a statement of postponement of the study program lecture schedule from the Higher Education which is uploaded together with the  Unconditional LoA.
  9. Attach a letter of recommendation in accordance with the requirements of each program.
  10. Applicants with PNS and CPNS status in all LPDP scholarship programs must attach a letter of proposal from at least an echelon II level official in charge of HR development/development at Ministries/Institutions or Regional Governments to take part in the LPDP scholarship program to LPDP at the time of LPDP scholarship registration.
  11. For applicants with TNI soldier status in all LPDP scholarship programs, they must attach a letter of recommendation of at least an official in charge of human resource development at TNI/AD/TNI AL/TNI AU Headquarters to take part in the LPDP scholarship program to LPDP at the time of registration for the LPDP scholarship.
  12. Applicants with POLRI status in all LPDP scholarship programs must attach a letter of recommendation of at least an official in charge of HR development at POLRI Headquarters to take part in the LPDP scholarship program to LPDP at the time of LPDP scholarship registration.
  13. Choose the Destination College and study program in accordance with the provisions of the LPDP.
  14. Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) and language requirements in accordance with the provisions stipulated in each scholarship program.
  15. Scholarships are only for regular classes or classes determined by the LPDP.
  16. Scholarships can be given for special classes in the form of a collaborative program between LPDP and other agencies.
  17. Approve the statement letter that has been provided on the LPDP scholarship application.
  18. Write a personal profile including educational history that is not completed on the registration application.
  19. Write commitments to return to Indonesia, post-study plans, and contribution plans in Indonesia.
  20. Writing a Research Proposal for doctoral education program applicants.
  21. If the applicant has scientific publications, championship/non-championship achievements, and organizational experience, then the applicant fills in the history of scientific publications, championship/non-championship achievements, and organizational experience in the registration application.

How to Register

  1. Register online  on  the  LPDP Scholarship Registration site.
  2. Complete and upload all documents required in the registration application.
  3. Make sure to  submit  the registration application to get the registration/registration code.
  4. The regular scholarship selection process is as follows:
  1. Administration Selection
  2. Scholastic Talent Selection
  3. Substance Selection

Note: Registrants for the Regular Scholarship program who upload  an Unconditional LoA  and have been recognized by LPDP in the Administrative Selection can proceed to the Substance Selection stage.

Interested in continuing your education with a Spanish scholarship and want to consult further with an expert consultant? Schoters can help you, starting from preparing to choose a major, Spanish scholarships that you can try, document requirements, to interviews.

3.  Spanish Doctoral Scholarship: Doctoral Program in Education and ITC ( e-learning )

The Doctoral Program in Education and ITC ( e-learning ) is a partial funding scholarship   to study at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Here is the complete information.

Registration requirement

Candidates for UOC grants for doctoral programs include individuals who at the time of submitting the application meet the requirements for an organized research period on a doctoral program at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Required documents

  1. Photocopy of passport
  2. English level certificate required by the doctoral program (minimum B2)
  3. Academic certificate for previous studies
  4. Letter of attestation from a UOC researcher supporting PhD applications and projects
  5. Research project (maximum 4 pages)
  6. CV
  7. Motivation letter/presentation
  8. Evidence supporting the applicant’s argument
  9. Documents proving that you meet the admission requirements