Types of Certification for Human Resource Development and Its Benefits You Must Know

Not only companies, employees also need to have certification to assess their abilities, including in the field of HR. Fortunately, now there are many types of HRD certifications that can be obtained by human resources workers .

This certification can basically be used to increase the credibility and ability of employees engaged in the HRD field.

Most companies will now apply for certification from HRD before hiring them.

Well, indeed, what is meant by this type of HRD certification? Like the types and benefits offered by the document? Come on, see the full presentation below!

Definition of HRD Certification

Before discussing the various types of HRD certification, it is better for us to first review the definition of the document.

HR certification is a certificate obtained through learning, training, and work experience in the field of human resources .

Usually, this certification is given by professional institutions or associations that have professional competence in the field of human resources.

To get it, you can take an ability test at LSP MSDMK, or Competency Human Resource Management Professional Certification Institute.

Benefits of HRD Certification

As already explained, this type of HRD certification is very beneficial for several parties. Here are two parties who can benefit from HR certification .

1. For Workforce Candidates

HRD certification is useful for prospective workers to convince organizations and clients that they are competent and able to work well.

Another benefit of this type of certification is to ensure and maintain the competence of workers in the professional world.

In addition, HRD certification can also be used to plan a career, as well as measure the level of competence in the learning process.

When applying for a job, this certification is useful for meeting regulatory requirements. HRD licenses can help gain competency recognition across sectors and countries.

2. For Industry

Workers who have this type of HRD certification will benefit the industry in which they work.

Why is that? This is because this document can be used to convince clients that the company has a competent workforce.

HRD licenses are also useful in developing competency-based personnel, as well as increasing HR efficiency.

The final benefit of HRD certification for industry is to improve competency-based career development and employee remuneration systems.

Types of HRD Certification

There are three types of HRD certification that must be known. The following is an explanation of each type.

1. Certified Professional in Human Resources Management (CPHRM)

The first type of HRD certification is the Certified Professional in Human Resources Management or (CPHRM).

Certified Professional in Human Resources Management is a training that studies corporate strategic planning which must be aligned with HR design.

In this training, HRD was directed to create an HR framework, the ARCI concept, the role of human resources, organizational development methods, and job management.

In the CPHRM program, participants will be taught various HRD functions such as human resource planning and development, recruitment and placement, HR maintenance, and talent management.

2. Human Resources Business Professional (HRBP)

Currently there are many companies that empower HR functions as HR business partners .

HR business partners have a very strategic role in improving work units as the right hand of the company’s business.

So, to present a competent workforce, certification training is held for human resources business professionals (HRBP).

The purpose of HRBP training is to develop employee competence in carrying out work duties and responsibilities.

The training received from HRBP includes preparing business cases , understanding business strategy and unit operations.

Material regarding human resources provided includes talent management , employee training and development.

3. Human Resources Management Professional (HRMP)

Professional human resources management certification aims to provide basic knowledge and skills in general HR management.

The aim of this type of HRD certification is to understand the changing paradigm of HRD management and to have basic skills that can be applied in resource management.

Due to its general nature, the fields studied are also broad, such as the concept of strategic competency-based Human Resources Management , organizational development, HR planning, assessment center methods , and career management. Interesting right?

That is a brief explanation of the types of HRD certification, starting from the meaning to the various types.

Among the three types of HRD certification, which one would you get to improve your career?
