7 Principles How to Treat People Right

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Mudabicara.com_ Treating people right means treating them fairly and with respect. But It is not about going to soft on them. It is necessary to be firm as well as fair, to set standards and to ensure that they are met.

Ed Lawler, a leading American management expert, wrote that ‘treating people right is a fundamental key to creating organizational effectiveness.

He also noted that the concept of how treating people right recognize the fact ‘Both organizational and individuals need to succeed. One cannot succed without the other. (Lawler, 2003).

This time Mudabicara want to review the seven principles of treating people right. Read our review below!

The Seven principles of treating people right are:

1. Treat People With Respect 

To respect someone is to recognize a person’s qualities and their rights to self-esteem, privacy and autonomy. It also means ensuring that they feel valued and are treated with dignity and courtesy- no belittling, no bullying.

It involves being sensitive to the differences between people, taking this diversity into account in any dealing with them and It involves honouring their contribution and listening to what they have to say.

Treat people with respect means recognizing that people may have legitimate grievances and responding to them promptly, fully and sympathetically. You need to treat people with respect but you also need to earn that respect.

2.Treat People Fairly 

Treating people fairly involves being even-handed and dealing with them justly, consistently, with consideration and without bias.

To be unfair to someone is to deal with them less favourably than others or treat them arbitrarily without considering their needs.

Fairness is associated with what is known as procedural justice, which is concerned with the perceptions employees have about how they are treated and the fairness with which company policies are put into practice.

In summary there are five factors that perceptions of procedural justice :

  1. The viewpoint of employees is given proper consideration
  2. Personal bias towards employees is suppressed
  3. The criteria for decisions are applied consistently to all employees
  4. Employees are provided with early feedback about the outcome of decisions
  5. Employees are provided with adequate explanations of why decisions have been made.
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3. Create the right work environment 

People should feel that their work is worthwhile. Their jobs should make good use of their skills and abilities and as far as possible provide some autonomy so that they have reasonable degree of control over their activities and decision.

Employees also need feedback information about how well they are doing, preferably obtained for themselves from their work rather than from their manager.

If they are present in jobs will increase motivation from the work itself. They can be considerably influenced by the ways in which work  is organized, the design of the work system.

The fundamental requirement is for the work system to operate efficiently and flexibly. It is necessary to provide for the smooth flow of processes and activities and ensure that resources. People, materials, plant, equipment and money are used effectively.

But ini designing or managing a work system it is also necessary to consider what needs to be done to treat people right.

The system should enable employees to gain fulfilment from their work by, as far as possible, allowing scope of variety, challenge and autonomy.

It should provide good environment in terms of working conditions and a healthy and safe system of work, bearing in mind the need to minimize stress and pay attention to ergonomic considerations in the design of equipment and work station.

4. Help People to Develop Their Capabilities and Skills

It is in your own interest and that of your organization to enhance the skills and capabilities of the people you manage through coaching, training and importantly giving them scope to learn or develop skills by providing new work opportunities or challenges. In doing so you will be treating them right.

They will be equipped with the means to gain greater fulfilment from their work by achieving more in their existing jobs and by obtaining the experience and skills that will further their careers.

Furthering development mean noticing when formal training experiences or opportunities for on the job training can help someone. You should give your people time and space to learn new skills.

Your role as coach is particularly important. Every time you give somebody a new task to do you are creating a learning opportunity.

5. Provide Leadership 

Leadership is about treating people right by giving them a sense of direction and by providing support when necessary. Effective leadership means that people know where they are going and are guided on how to get there.

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6. Get to Know Team Members 

You can not treat individual members of your team right unless you get to know them. You need to know their strengths and weakness, their ambitions and their concerns about work.

Performance management systems that provide for regular review meetings between managers and their staff can help to do this. But it should be an everyday affairs.

The more you are in contact with your people the better you will get to know them. It is not good hiding in your office or behind a desk. You have to get out and talks to the people. It is called management by walking about. It is one of the best way of building good relationships.

A survey of Google employees established that the managers they valued most were even keeled bosses who made time for one on one meetings who helped people puzzle through problems by asking questions, not dictating answers and who took an interest in employees’ lives and careers.

7. Define Expectations And Ensure They Are Met 

You treat people right when you make sure that they understand and accept what is expected of them, standarts of performance and behaviour.

You need to clarify roles, what has to be achieved and how it is to be achieved. And this should be matter for mutual agreement. You are not there as a manager simply to order people around.

You want willing cooperation, not grudging submission. But you have to ensure that the standards are met. If they are not, this is when you need to be firm.

Treating people right is not about being soft with them, It is right to take a firm line if someone under performs without good reason or misbehaves.

From the explanation about The Seven principles of treating people right above, we have our summary points.

Treating people right means treating them fairly and with respect, among other things. But it is not about going soft on them. It is necessary to be firm as well as fair.

Thank You,




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